Central Basin Watermaster Application for Groundwater Storage Projects
means, including site name and address, contaminants of concern, media affected (soil and/or groundwater), depth of
contamination, and regulatory status (closed, inactive, investigative, containment, or remediation). Discuss how the storage
project water may or may not impact the contamination at the identified sites. Describe how the Project will not cause any
material or physical harm to the Basin. Label hydrogeologic and water quality information as “Attachment D-1”.
Section E: Storage Project Details and Requirements:
1. Describe in detail the design and construction of the proposed storage project. Specifically, describe the method by which
the water will be captured, put into storage (injection wells, spreading grounds, infiltration galleries/trenches, dry wells, bio
swales, etc.), and extracted from storage. Include details of planned maintenance of storage and metering equipment.
Include detailed information and drawings to describe all measures to capture and infiltrate water desired for groundwater
storage credits. Label description “Attachment E-1”.
2. Party to which the storage will be assigned: _____________________________________________________________
3. Estimated Storage (acre-feet/year): ___________________________________________________________________
4. E
stimated Duration of Allocated Storage: _______________________________________________________________
5. S
torage category or categories in which the water will be stored (check all that apply):
Individual Storage Account: Community Storage:
6. Source of stored water:
Section F: Monitoring and Extraction:
Please attach your responses to the following questions and label “Attachment F-1”.
1. Provide a description of how the amount of captured and stored water will be determined, including the proposed
metering devices to verify the volume of water stored and later removed. The project proponent will be required to
establish suitable measuring and recording devices to furnish such records as may be needed to determine with
reasonable accuracy the quantity of water placed into storage into the usable production aquifers of the Basin and the
quantity later recovered under the provisions of the approved project.
Describe how the quality of the captured and stored water will be monitored, including frequency and chemical
constituents. Please describe how the project will be protective of the groundwater resources in this portion of the
Central Basin and not provide any material or physical harm to the Basin as requested. To analyze the water quality,
the suggested chemical analysis list can be found at: