Central Basin Watermaster Application for Groundwater Augmentation Projects
means, including site name and address, contaminants of concern, media affected (soil and/or groundwater), depth of
contamination, and regulatory status (closed, inactive, investigative, containment, or remediation). Discuss how the augmented
water project may or may not impact the contamination at the identified sites. Describe how the Project will not cause any
material or physical harm to the Basin. Label hydrogeologic and water quality information as “Attachment D-1”.
Section E: Augmentation Project Details and Requirements:
1. Describe in detail the design and construction of the proposed augmentation project. Specifically, describe the source of
augmented water and method by which the water will be augmented (injection wells, spreading grounds, infiltration
galleries/trenches, dry wells, bio swales, etc.); and provide
any additional information to demonstrate successful
augmentation of water into usable Basin production aquifers. Include details of planned operations and maintenance
activities for all project elements for the life of the project. Include detailed information and drawings to describe all measures
to capture and infiltrate water desired for augmentation. Label description “Attachment E-1”.
2. Parties to whom new rights will be assigned: ___________________________________________________________
3. All augmentation projects are subject to the following provisions:
(1) Regular monitoring to determine the actual amount of such new water replenishing the Basin’s productio
(2) Make-up water or equivalent payment will be required if actual water supply augmentation does not meet
(3) Adjustment to extraction rights attributable to the Water Augmentation Project to match the actual water created
Is the applicant willing to comply with these provisions: Yes No
If not, please explain why:
Section F: Monitoring and Extraction:
Please attach your responses to the following questions and label “Attachment F-1”.
1. P
rovide a description of how the amount of captured water will be determined, including the proposed metering devices
to verify the volume of water augmented and later removed. The project proponent will be required to establish suitabl
easuring and recording devices to furnish such records as may be needed to determine with reasonable accuracy th
tity of water placed into storage into the usable production aquifers of the Basin and the quantity later recovere
the provisions of the approved project.
2. D
escribe how the quality of the captured and augmented water will be monitored, including frequency and chemical
constituents. Please describe how the project will be protective of the groundwater resources in this portion of the
Central Basin and not provide any material or physical harm to the Basin as requested. To analyze the water quality,
the suggested chemical analysis list can be found at: