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JV-2032 REV 01/01/16
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1. PLACEMENT: I understand I can be sent home on probation, or removed from my home and placed in a foster
home, or group home, or a home that is approved by the Judge.
2. PROBATION: I can remain on probation until I am 21 years old, unless I am sent to the California Department of
Correction and Rehabilitation. Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ). The DJJ may keep me until my 25
birthday if I
am sent there for certain offenses
3. INCARCERATION: I understand I can be confined at Juvenile Hall, a Ranch, the DJJ, or County Jail after my
4. FINES & FEES: I understand there are fines and fees the Court will order me to pay, as well as other fines and
community work service that can be ordered.
5. RESTITUTION: I will be required to pay the victim(s) money for the damage I caused.
6. IMMIGRATION CONSEQUENCES: If I am not a U.S. citizen I understand that my admission(s) may result in
deportation, prevent me from ever being able to legally enter the U.S., or prevent me from becoming an U.S.
1. DRIVER’S LICENSE: My privilege to drive may be suspended or delayed by the Court as a consequence of
certain offenses pursuant to Vehicle Code §§ 13201, 13202, 13202.4, 13202.5, and 13202.6. The Court may
allow me to keep my driver’s license or reduce the suspension if the Court finds that there is a critical need or
family hardship.
2. FIREARM: A violation of will prohibit me from owning, purchasing, receiving or
having possession of a firearm for 10 years pursuant to Penal Code
§ 29805.
A violation of
will prohibit me from owning or possessing a firearm until the
age of 30 pursuant to Penal Code
§ 29820.
3. ARSON: For admitting an arson or attempted arson offense, I understand that if I am ever sent to the California
Department of Correction and Rehabilitation, Division of Juvenile Justice. I will have to register as an arsonist
until the age of 25 or until my record is sealed by a Judge.
Penal Code § 457.1 (C)(3).
4. SEX OFFENSE: I understand if I am ever committed to the California Department of Correction and
Rehabilitation, Division of Juvenile Justice, on a Penal Code § 290 sex offense that I admitted, it will require me
to register with the local police department as a sex offender in every place that I live for the rest of my life. I
understand the Court may order that I be tested for HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases and that the
results will be made available to the victim and others who are entitled by law to have the information.
5. STRIKE: I understand that the offense(s) listed in Count(s) of the petition(s) qualify as a “strike”
under the current three strikes laws. I understand that if I am sentenced in adult court in the future,
this offense may cause: my time in custody to be doubled; me to automatically be sent to prison; a
reduction of the custody credits available to me; and the “strikes” laws may count against me. If I am
convicted of a third “strike” as an adult I can be sentenced to life in prison.
6. 707(B) OFFENSE: I understand the offense(s) list in Count(s) is a Welfare & Institutions Code §
707(b) offense. I understand this means I can be sent to the DJJ, until I am 25 years old, for this offense or any
later violation of probation. I also understand that this offense will prevent me from sealing my record.
7. DEJ: If given an opportunity on the Deferred Entry of Judgment Program, I waive the right to a speedy
jurisdiction and disposition, and agree to have the case handled by a different Judge, if the current Judge is
8. SPECIAL CONSEQUENCS: I understand that my case has additional consequences that are state here, I have
read this information and my attorney has explained it to me.