Application for the
ORU Writing Across the Curriculum Excellence Award
Applicant Contact Information
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Department: __________________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________________________
E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________
Application Instructions
I. Student Writing Assignment Description
A. Please write on a separate sheet of paper a brief description of the writing
assignments and/or projects used to promote student writing.
B. Indicate in which course or courses the assignments are used and how recently
you have used them.
C. Include in your description an explanation of how the assignment or assignments
are assessed and how they help students achieve the goals of the course.
II. Assignment Samples: Please attach samples of the assignment sheets or guidelines
given to students, as well as samples of assessment tools used such as a rubric, a
grading checklist, etc.
III. (Optional) Graded Student Samples: If you have a representative student sample of a
completed assignment, you may include a copy of this with the other application
materials. Be sure to secure permission from the student(s) to use it and/or remove any
information that identifies the student(s).
Deadline: Monday, April 1, 2013
Please send a completed application form with accompanying materials to Lori Kanitz, English
and Modern Languages Department, GC 5A02. Phone ext. 6064. E-mail: