WA-AIM Engagement Rubric
Content Area: ELA Math Science
Engagement Rubric Activities
Please describe the academic activity for which the Engagement Rubric is being utilized. Please detail the expectations of the
student’s classmates as well as how the student will be supported to participate. (one-two sentences)
Baseline Activity Date: Final Activity Date:
Baseline Activity Description:
Final Activity Description:
Student Response to Activities
Please describe the student’s engagement response to the academic activity under the engagement level which best
characterizes the student’s interaction with the activity. Baseline and final engagement responses may be in different
engagement levels and a student may have indicators in more than one level.
Engagement Level 4: Student is an active participant and can sustain involvement in the activity.
Participate by making vocalizations or signs/gestures in response to events during the activity
Participate by making purposeful/intentional vocalizations or signs/gestures in response to objects used during the activity
Participate by imitating action
Participate by sustaining attention to teacher direction and movement
Participate by anticipating change in action/predicting words actions
Baseline Engagement Response:
Final Engagement Response: