Electronic W-2 Consent Form
The University of Dayton is required by the IRS to furnish all Employees with a Form W-2 for each calendar year.
The Form W-2 details the Employee’s compensation and tax withholding amounts for the year. Employees may
choose to receive their Form W-2 electronically in lieu of the paper version.
Please read all of the following information and provide your consent to receive Form W-2 in electronic format by
signing the statement below.
What are the benefits of receiving an electronic Form W-2?
You are protecting your identity! This legal document contains your social security number and annual
earnings, which may be compromised in the event it is lost in the mail or misplaced.
You have access from a secure website at any time for not only the current tax year but all prior tax years.
You have access to your W-2 earlier than those receiving it via mail. By law, W-2’s must be mailed no later
than January 31
Disclosure Notice:
IRS regulations require that employees must affirmatively consent to receiving their Form W-2 electronically.
An employee who consents to receiving his/her Form W-2 online will not receive a paper copy. If an employee
does not consent to electronic delivery, he/she will continue to receive a paper copy of Form W-2.
An employee who elects to receive his/her Form W-2 online can also receive a paper copy of Form W-2 by
contacting the Payroll Office at 937-229-2949 or payroll@udayton.edu. Request for a paper copy does not
withdraw the Employee’s consent for electronic delivery of future Form W-2s.
An employee’s consent to receive Form W-2 by electronic format will remain in effect unless a written
withdrawal is received. An employee can withdraw his/her consent and request a paper statement at any time.
An employee can withdraw his/her consent to online delivery either by emailing payroll@udayton.edu or by
unchecking the consent box via Porches/HR Connections/Employment Details/Electronic Consent link. If
consent is withdrawn, it will be effective only for those Form W-2s not yet issued.
All employees should be aware that the Form W-2, even when provided electronically, may need to be
attached to their annual tax returns, including federal, state and local tax returns. Employees may print as
many copies as needed from Porches.
Employees will be notified via a Porches announcement on HR Connections when Form W-2s are available
online. The electronic version will be available online through December 31 of each year.
The hardware and software requirements needed to access the W-2 statement electronically include an
internet connection, web browser, and Adobe Acrobat reader or similar PDF reader software.
If an employee terminates employment with UD, the employee’s consent to receive an electronic W-2 will be
considered revoked and their final W-2 will be mailed to their address on file no later than January 31st,
following the relevant tax year.
It is the employee’s responsibility to notify Human Resources of any changes to their personal information by
emailing hr@udayton.edu or by submitting the Request for Change of Personal Data Form found on the Human
Resources website: www.udayton.edu/hr/employee_resources/hrforms.php.
I understand that by signing below, I consent to receive Form W-2 in electronic format in lieu of receiving a
paper copy. I also understand that I may withdraw my consent at any time as outlined above.
____________________________________ ___________________________________ _________________
Employee Signature Employee Name (please print) Employee ID