Phone: 507-457-5062
Fax: 507-457-2371
Please list any training, seminars or certifications that may be beneficial in considering your application for employment with WSU
Parking Services (I.e. first aid, self defense, domestic abuse, etc.) Additionally, list the dates of certification.
_______________________________________________________________________ Date____________________
_______________________________________________________________________ Date____________________
_______________________________________________________________________ Date____________________
If you are accepted to a position with WSU Parking Services would you be able to attend training the week prior to the school year?
(check one) Yes No
Please answer these questions as completely as possible.
1. Why are you interested in becoming a member of WSU Parking Services?
2. What qualities do you have that would enable you to handle the position?
3. What do you feel are the duties and responsibilities of this position?
4. List all University activities and indicate all positions of responsibility.
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