Have you ever been convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain the nature of the crime and the date of the
convicon and disposion. Convicon of a crime is not an automac disqualicaon for volunteer work.
Signed: _______________________________________________________
Received by ____________________________ Date: ____________________________
Please rate your skills 1—5.
1 being needs improvement, 5 being excellent.
Communicaon skills
Computer/Technology Skills
Customer Service Skills
Organizaonal Skills
Creave Problem Solving Skills
Ability to work independently
Ability to enforce rules
Ability to maintain condenality
Time management skills
Documentaon skills
Ability to work well under pressure
Ability to work well with others
______Other: ___________________
The informaon contained on this form will remain condenal and will only be used for the protecon of
our library patrons and sta as well as to assist us in applying your skills. Final determinaon of volunteer
placement will be at the discreon of the Library Directors.