Availability Start Date:_____________
Availability End Date: ____________
Are you able to volunteer consistently on a weekly basis: Yes/No
Indicate mes you would like to volunteer
Mon Tues Wed
Fri Sat
Which of the following would you be interested in
doing at the library?
_____weekly desk sier
_____substute desk sier
_____organizing, cleaning, and special projects
_____data entry
_____kids programming
_____teen programming
_____adult programming
_____special events
_____other (please specify):
Name_________________________________________________ Applicaon Date ________________
Address _________________________________________________________________
Phone_____________________________________ Email ___________
PO BOX 279 GUSTA VUS, ALASKA 99826 -0279
PHO NE (907) 6 97-2 35 0 FAX (90 7) 6 97 -2249
E-mail librarian@g us ta vu s.lib. ak .us
Volunteer Applicaon Form
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain the nature of the crime and the date of the
convicon and disposion. Convicon of a crime is not an automac disqualicaon for volunteer work.
Signed: _______________________________________________________
Received by ____________________________ Date: ____________________________
Please rate your skills 15.
1 being needs improvement, 5 being excellent.
Communicaon skills
Computer/Technology Skills
Customer Service Skills
Organizaonal Skills
Creave Problem Solving Skills
Ability to work independently
Ability to enforce rules
Ability to maintain condenality
Time management skills
Documentaon skills
Ability to work well under pressure
Ability to work well with others
______Other: ___________________
The informaon contained on this form will remain condenal and will only be used for the protecon of
our library patrons and sta as well as to assist us in applying your skills. Final determinaon of volunteer
placement will be at the discreon of the Library Directors.