Vollara Trade Show Approval Form
Location of Show _______________________________________________________________
City _________________________________________ State________________________
Type of Show __________________________________________________________________
Dates _________________________________________(Including set-up & tear down)
__________________________________ _____________________________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________
____________________________________________ __________________________
Signature of Business Owner Registering Booth
Please email CustomerService@vollara.com, fax form to 276-642-7075, or
mail to 300 East Valley Dr, Bristol, VA 24201
Before submitting a deposit to the event promoter, the Independent Business owner
should obtain approval from the Distributor Services Department, as our policy is to
authorize only one Independent Business owner per event. The Company reserves the
right to refuse authorization to participate at any function, which it deems is not
suitable forum for the promotion of our products and/or services. Approval will not be
given for swap meets, garage sales, flea markets or farmer’s markets as these events
are not conducive to the professional image we wish to portray. The Distributor
Services Department will contact you to confirm or deny your request.
Names and numbers of Independent Business Owners that you anticipate will assist
you at the show:
In the event Vollara approves my participation in the above mentioned trade show, I
understand and agree that (i) Vollara products will be exhibited exclusively in this
booth and (ii) unapproved banners, signs, or other materials will not be used in the
booth or handed out. I understand that I must comply with all other terms of the Vollara
Policy and Procedures.
Business Owner Number
click to sign
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