78 Chapter 8: The Geography and History of Africa
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Name: Date: Class:
Chapter 8: e Geography and History of Africa
Vocabulary: Know the Terms
Directions: Define the given term in your own words.
1. water wars
2. fertilizer
3. industrial waste
4. deforestation
5. desertification
6. oasis
7. ecosystem
8. religious group
9. ethnic group
Continued on next page.
Chapter 8: The Geography and History of Africa 79
© 2017 Clairmont Press, Inc. DO NOT DUPLICATE 1-800-874-8638
Directions: Draw an image or symbol that represents the term.
trans-Atlantic slave
colonies Scramble for Africa indirect rule
assimilation civil war dictatorship Pan-African movement
instability HIV/AIDS famine oasis
Directions: Write a sentence using each term correctly in context.
1. Scramble for Africa
2. deforestation
3. assimilation
4. civil war