1401 19th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 861-2191
Visual Simulation Application Form
Applications due Wednesday, January 5, 2011
-mail or fax completed application forms to Troy Hightower at thightower@kerncog.org
/ (661) 324-8215
Project Name:
Contact Name:
Contact Phone Number:
Contact E-mail Address
Planning Director’s Name and E-
(if different than above)
Desired Type of Visualization for this Area (select all that apply and rank numerically):
3-D Visual Simulation
2-D Visual Simulation
To be determined
1. Regional Blueprint: How does the proposed location relate to the Kern Regional Blueprint principles?
2. TOD/Transit Corridor? Is the selected site a location of future transit oriented development or along a
transportation corridor?
Yes No
If so, please describe the TOD/Transit Corridor.
3. Planning Effort: Does this area have, or is this area undergoing a planning effort, such as a
community or specific plan update, that could inform the community/neighborhood of the simulated
Yes No
If so, please describe the established planning effort (e.g., specific plan update, community plan
update, neighborhood plan update, general plan update, etc.).
4. Project Manager: Will the project manager be available to assist the consultant or photographer with
relevant information for the timely completion of the effort?
Yes No If yes please identify project manger:________________________
The person must be available to provide a “de-briefing” on the visual simulation process or
photography effort once completed to ensure that KERN COG can continue to improve future
visualization efforts.
5. Support: Is there support for a visual simulation within your jurisdiction?
Yes No Not Sure
If so, how has this support been demonstrated? (e.g., statement of support from your KERN COG
Board representative, your City Council/Board of Supervisors, etc.)
6. Justification: Please explain why KERN COG should select the proposed location or project for a
visualization (How will the visualization be used as a tool for the community, Why is a visualization
valuable for the community).
7. Additional Comments (optional):
Please review the information below for guidance:
For information about the Kern Regional Blueprint visit: http://www.kerncog.org/blueprint/index.html
For a sample 3D Visualization see: http://www.kerncog.org/cms/blueprints
Send any questions or comments to Troy Hightower at thightower@kerncog.org