1401 19th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 861-2191
Visual Simulation Application Form
Applications due Wednesday, January 5, 2011
-mail or fax completed application forms to Troy Hightower at thightower@kerncog.org
/ (661) 324-8215
Planning Director’s Name and E-
(if different than above)
Desired Type of Visualization for this Area (select all that apply and rank numerically):
3-D Visual Simulation
2-D Visual Simulation
To be determined
1. Regional Blueprint: How does the proposed location relate to the Kern Regional Blueprint principles?
2. TOD/Transit Corridor? Is the selected site a location of future transit oriented development or along a
transportation corridor?
Yes No
If so, please describe the TOD/Transit Corridor.
3. Planning Effort: Does this area have, or is this area undergoing a planning effort, such as a
community or specific plan update, that could inform the community/neighborhood of the simulated
Yes No
If so, please describe the established planning effort (e.g., specific plan update, community plan
update, neighborhood plan update, general plan update, etc.).