Visits Abroad Guidance:
The Visit Abroad approval process exists to ensure that Scouting Visits Abroad are carried out ensuring the
safety of adult and youth members. In the event of an emergency this process will ensure that The Scout
Association can support Members in the best way possible.
This page offers a summary of the approval process, terminology used and key things to remember. Documents referred to here
can be downloaded from or obtained from your ACCI (and equivalent).
Read POR Rule 9.64 Visits Abroad – this rule must be followed when planning your visit abroad.
TSA Definition of a Visit Abroad:
‘Any visit outside the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man on a recognised and approved Scouting
activity or travelling in the name of Scouting. This applies to youth and adult Members, Associate Members and non-
Members.’ (Clarification for Members in Northern Ireland and British Scouting Overseas can be found in POR rule 9.64)
The term relevant commissioner used in rule 9.64 refers to the Commissioner who has designated responsibility to
approve a visit abroad. This will likely be your line manager.
ACC(I) refers to the Assistant County Commissioner for International or equivalent role as designated or appointed by the
relevant commissioner to support the Visit Abroad process and recommend Visits Abroad for approval or rejection.
Gain outline approval for your Visit Abroad by submitting the VA Form to your ACC(I) as you begin planning. Outline
approval allows your ACC(I) and relevant commissioner to support you in the planning of your trip as early as possible and
help link you up with as much help as you need.
Form a planning team for the visit and assign roles.
Develop a budget early on to set realistic expectation on costs for participants.
Consider applying for the International Fund to support costs for participants on low incomes.
Involve young people in the planning of the visit where appropriate and possible, especially in the planning of programme
and development of risk assessments.
Ensure your group has all the permits and extensions required for your trip (eg. nights away and activity).
Ensure your ACC(I) notifies the National Scout Organisation of your Host Country about your visit, this is important in case
you need any support before you go or during your visit.
All members of the group will require a passport. Group passports are not recommended.
Investigate the travel advice for the country you are visiting and find out whether you need a visa by looking at the Foreign
Commonwealth Office website.
Ensure your whole group has travel insurance which covers all planned activities for the trip. Unity can advise on this.
Consider how you will communicate with parents, some pre-visit meetings often help answer questions alleviate concerns.
Use the In Touch Process to plan how you will communicate on the trip, assign an at home emergency contact and
develop a critical incident plan.
Spend time with your At Home Emergency Contact to ensure they understand the visit and have all the necessary
information. (copies of passports, critical incident plan, risk assessment for the visit, copies of consent forms, final
itinerary, travel details, health forms, insurance summary, emergency contact list for all participants)
International Letter of Introduction cards confirm you are a member of World Scouting, you can obtain these from your
Sharing your experience when you return allows other groups and sections to learn from your trip and gain the skills,
knowledge and confidence to plan their own international adventures:
Present your adventure to younger sections through games and activities
Upload your experience and advice on to
GSL/DESC has been notified of the visit taking place:
Party leader declaration:
This form needs to be signed by two relevant Commissioners. As leader of this party, I undertake to:
Organise this visit in accordance with the Association’s rules.
Arrange adequate travel insurance for the visit at an appropriate time, a copy of which will be supplied before departure.
Complete adequate risk assessments for the trip and activities (including safeguarding considerations)
Ensure there is an InTouch system in place including a home emergency contact.
Ensure that my GSL or DESC (as appropriate) are aware of the visit
Outline Approval (For Commissioner use only):
Before approving the outline of this trip please ensure that you are satisfied that the leader is aware of their responsibilities and is
capable of organising and leading a group of Scouts overseas.
Signed: (District/County/Regional
Member no:
*Where a signature cannot be inserted please note the name, date and membership number of the person signing/recommending
Visit details:
Party details:
Group / Unit
/ Network:
From: To:
Party leader:
From: To: Name:
no. and role:
From: To: Email:
Purpose of the trip: Group size:
Community Development Explorer Belt Expedition
Beavers: Cubs:
Recreational Visit National/Regional Jamboree
Partnership Visit Exchange Visit Scouts: Explorers:
Network: Leaders:
Details: (which Jamboree/partnership/activities etc.)
Scout Active
Visits Abroad Form – Part A
Part A of this form should be submitted to your Assistant County Commissioner (International) as soon as you begin
planning your trip to gain outline approval to continue planning, even if your exact plans are subject to change.
Part A should be accompanied by a statement outlining the aims, objectives and proposed programme.
This form will be added to and amended throughout your planning with Part A and B updated and submitted for final
approval at least 6 weeks before departure. Ensure you have read the Visit Abroad Guidance before completing this
form and re-visit throughout your planning.
Signed: (Party leader) *
Date: Member no:
Recommended for outline
approval: (ACC International
or equivalent) *
Date: Member no:
Party leader declaration
This complete form needs to be signed by the relevant Commissioner upon the recommendation of the ACCI or equivalent.
As leader of this party, I have:
Organised this visit in accordance with the Association’s rules.
Arranged adequate travel insurance for the visit at an appropriate time, a copy of which has been provided.
Completed adequate risk assessments for the trip and activities (including safeguarding considerations), copies of which have
been provided.
Put in place an InTouch system including an at home emergency contact.
Given a full itinerary, contingent list and programme details to the emergency contact, copies of which have been provided.
Final Approval (For Commissioner use only):
Before approving this trip please ensure that you are satisfied that the leader is aware of their responsibilities, has followed TSA
rules and procedures and is overall capable of leading a group of Scouts overseas.
Date: Member no:
*Where a signature cannot be inserted please note the name, date and membership number of the person signing/recommending
Checklist for ACC(I)’s
International Letter of Introduction issued VA form sent to HQ 6 weeks prior to start of trip
Host Association informed Copy of proposed programme and itinerary attached
(including details of any permits required)
Informed leader of telephone number of Host Association Copy of Travel Insurance attached
Adequate risk assessments and critical incident plan for the visit are
Complete list of participants attached
Visits Abroad Form – Part B
Part A and B of this form should be updated, completed and submitted to your ACCI at least 6 weeks before your trip
Nights Away permit
holder: (if required)
In Touch – At Home Emergency Contact:
Phone number: Name:
Restrictions: Member no:
Category: Indoor
Lightweight expedition:
Activity permits and extensions if required:
Mobile phone:
Expiry date:
Home phone:
Permit holder
and restrictions:
Signed: (Party leader) * Date: Member no:
Recommended for final
approval: (ACC International
or regional equivalent) *
Date: Member no:
Visit Abroad Process
Members wish to plan a Visit Abroad (VA)
Obtain a VA pack from ACC(I) (or equivalent) or downloaded from website.
At the start of your planning, complete Part A of VA Form and submit to ACC(I) (or equivalent) for outline
approval from the relevant Commissioner to continue planning and identify training/support needs.
Relevant Commissioner notifies applicant and ACC(I) of approval to continue planning and recruiting, or
reasons for rejection.
Plan and arrange trip using the guidance contained in the VA Pack and International Web pages.
Ask your ACC(I) (or equivalent) for support if necessary.
Ensure that participants are involved in the planning of your trip and that parents of under 18s are clearly
informed of the programme and all intended activities.
Ensure appropriate nights away permits are in place.
Ensure activity permits and extensions are obtained for all Scout-led activities from the relevant
Commissioner, based upon the recommendations from an Assessor.
During the planning process, share the following documents with your ACC(I): Itinerary and programme,
insurance policy, risk assessments, critical incident plan and full participant list.
Plan your In Touch process and appoint an emergency home contact, update Parts A and B of VA form
(and finalised documents) and submit to ACC(I) (or equivalent) who will recommend approval from
relevant commissioner.
Once approved ACC(I) (or equivalent) will submit VA form to HQ 6 weeks before departure.
Within 3 months of return, review your trip and share your International experience with your relevant
Commissioner and ACC (I). Think about how you could share your experience with other sections to
inspire more international adventures! Upload your experience onto