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Updated October 28, 2020
Visitor Attestation Regarding COVID-19
To protect the safety and public health of the AACC campus and community, Anne Arundel
Community College (“AACC” or “College”) requires that visitors, including guests, volunteers,
invitees, and other participants in a College-sponsored program or activity, sign and return this
attestation to be present on property owned, leased or operated by the College (“Campus”).
By signing below, I attest to the following:
• I am not currently experiencing and have not experienced any of the following symptoms
for the last ten (10) days: (1) fever or chills; (2) cough; (3) shortness of breath or difficulty
breathing; (4) fatigue; (5) muscle or body aches; headache; (6) new loss of taste or smell;
(7) sore throat; (8) congestion or runny nose; (9) nausea or vomiting; (10) diarrhea; or
(11) any other COVID-19 symptom identified by a federal or Maryland public health
agency (“Symptoms”).
• I have not had a positive COVID-19 test result on a test that was within the last fourteen
(14) days. A COVID-19 test means an FDA Emergency Use Authorized COVID-19
molecular assay for detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or other test approved by CDC or FDA
• I am not aware of having been exposed to a person with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19
case. For purposes of attesting to this paragraph, exposure means having an intimate
partner, housemate or giving care to a person who has a suspected or confirmed case of
o Suspected case means experiencing or having experienced symptoms within the
last ten (10) days and includes the 48 hours prior to the person experiencing
o Confirmed case means had a positive test result on a COVID test that was
conducted within the last fourteen (14) days.
• If I am on Campus at any point and I am not able to confirm that the above statements are
true, I will immediately leave Campus and will submit a report to
• By being present on Campus, I am attesting that all of the above-statements are true.
• I will wear a cloth face mask at all times when on Campus and acknowledge that I am not
permitted to be on Campus without wearing an appropriate face mask.