Previous Dismissal or Suspension
Have you ever been disciplined for misconduct, suspended, expelled, or required to withdraw from any secondary or
postsecondary educational institution? If yes, please explain on a separate sheet of paper. Yes No
Have you been convicted of a felony? If yes, please explain on a separate piece of paper. Yes No
Your Signature
I, the undersigned, hereby apply for admission to St. John’s University. If accepted, I agree to abide by all the rules and regulations of the
University, including those set forth in the University bulletins. All information contained herein is, to the best of my knowledge, true
and complete. (Any omission or falsification of records is grounds for dismissal.)
Signature _________________________________________________________ Date (Month/Day/Year)
Courses to be Taken at St. John’s
Please indicate courses in order of preference. For a list of available courses, please visit stjohns.edu/courses.
Subject Course Number Course Reference Credit Hours Summer Session Only
Number [CRN] Pre Summer I Summer II Post Fall Spring
Educational Background
Name of College/University
City State From (Month/Year) To (Month/Year)
Graduation Date or
Expected Graduation Date
Certification for Students Enrolled in Other Institutions of Higher Education
This is to certify that _____________________________________ is in good standing at _________________________________ and
(Student Name) (Name of Institution)
has permission to register for the courses listed above.
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
(Signature of Dean/Registrar) (Title)
For more information, please visit our website at stjohns.edu/visitingstudents or call 1-888-9STJOHNS or 718-990-2000.
Religious Affiliation
Please check one:
Baptist Islamic Mormon/LDS Russian Orthodox Other _____________________
Buddhist Jehovah’s Witness Pentecostal Seventh Day Adventist
Episcopal Jewish Presbyterian Sikh
Greek Orthodox Lutheran Protestant Non-Denominational
Hindu Methodist Roman Catholic None