Virginia State University Undergraduate Academic Plan
Student Agreement for Financial Aid Recipients
Federal regulations require students to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in three areas:
(1) Cumulative GPA, (2) Hours Earned, and (3) Maximum Time Limit to be eligible for financial aid.
In order to maintain eligibility for financial aid from Federal, State and Institutional programs at Virginia
State University, a student must continue to make reasonable satisfactory academic progress toward
completion of their degree program of study.
Classes that are withdrawn from with a grade of “W” or an “I” for Incomplete may affect the student’s
Satisfactory Academic Progress.
I agree to use the strategies that will be mapped in my Academic Plan. I understand that if I do not earn
the required semester GPA and have not successfully passed the required semester hours as stipulated
by the Office of Student Financial Aid (Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy), I will be placed on
Financial Aid Cancellation.
Students submitting an Appeal Letter for consideration of reinstatement of their financial aid must do
the following:
1) Submit Appeal Form and Letter (typed)
2) Submit Academic Plan (typed)
3) It is the responsibility of the student to check the accuracy of his/her transcript; if there is a
discrepancy please contact your professor. When the discrepancy is resolved, please notify the
Financial Aid Office.
Please submit your SAP Appeal and Academic Plan to:
SAP Committee
Location: Gandy Hall- 1
Floor - Room 112
Address: P.O. Box 9031 Petersburg, VA 23806
Office Phone Number #: (800) 823-7214
Fax Number #: (804) 524-6818
I understand that by signing this plan, I am agreeing to the conditions specified below to maintain my
financial aid eligibility:
I will maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA for each term
I understand that course grades of “I” will not be counted
I understand that I must complete/pass all classes attempted
I understand that I cannot withdraw from any classes after the drop/add deadline
I understand that I must meet with the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) during the
semester to maintain financial aid eligibility.
Failure to meet any of the above will result in aid cancellation and is not appealable.
Student Signature ___________________________ Date ____________________ V#
V# ______________
Personal Assessment
(Form must be typed)
It is helpful to reflect on your personal situation as you begin to develop a clear plan for
academic success at Virginia State University. Please state any circumstances that are
preventing you from preforming academically.
My Study Habits
Generally I study: ___________ (hours) a day. Generally I study: __________ (hours) per week.
In the future I plan to study: __________ (hours) a day and __________ (hours) per week.
What do you do when you study?
In what setting are you most productive studying? (i.e.: locations, lighting, desk, etc.)
Members of my support network that are available to assist me in becoming a successful student at
Virginia State University are? (i.e., family, friends, classmates, etc.)
What has been your best experience as a student at Virginia State University? Why?
V# _______________
Academic History
Think about the courses you have taken. Which of those did you really enjoy? In which courses did
you do well? In which ones could you have improved? What factors contributed to your success,
enjoyment or performance? Use this worksheet to highlight three of the courses in each category,
print your unofficial transcripts to help you with this section.
Courses In Which I Performed Well or Enjoyed the Most
Factors that contributed to my
Strategies I used in this course
that I should use again
Courses In which I could have Improved
What I could have done to
improve my grade
It is strongly recommended that you meet with your Advisor and the Professors
of the classes that you are not maintaining satisfactory academic progress.
V# _______________
My Goals for Academic Success
Examine the courses that you plan to take next semester and complete this chart.
Specific study skills I need for this class
Resources on Campus
My cumulative GPA at Virginia State University as of today
My projected GPA and credit hours earned for next
Please note: to improve GPA, student must earn at least a 2.00 GPA and pass a minimum of 12
credit hours as a full-time student.
I agree to meet with the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) and complete my mandatory
SAP Action Plan for Success. I understand that if I choose not to fulfill this contract, I will
greatly reduce my chances of success.
The new Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) is located on the 2
Floor of Johnston
Memorial Library. You may contact them at (804) 524-6755 or
____________________________ _________
Student Signature Date