Discharged Servicemen & Servicewomen
[Please include this page and utilize it to ensure all necessary documents are submitted. This application will not be
processed if the following documents are not submitted.]
I have completed, signed, and dated the application with my original signature on it.
Certificate of Residency:
The Certificate of Residency portion of the application must be signed and stamped by a city or town official. Please visit the city or
town hall in which you resided prior to your latest enlistment into the Armed Forces or your latest deployment. If you were a minor at
the time of enlistment, please have a parent’s or legal guardian’s residency certified. The date of residency on the certificate must be
no more than one year prior to your enlistment date or latest deployment date. In lieu of the certificate, we will accept a copy of your
High School Diploma/GED (if you enlisted right out of High School or up to a year after). We will also accept a copy of a W-2 tax form,
excise tax form or a copy of a rental or lease agreement from the required year.
I have completed the Certificate of Residency (with the original signatures on it) or included other accepted forms.
Proof of service and/or deployments: [WE CANNOT ACCEPT OIF/OEF AS PROOF OF IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN]
a. 6 months Active Duty* ($500)- please include a copy of your DD214 Member 4**.
b. Iraq or Afghanistan ($1000)- please include a copy of your DD214 Member 4** specifically showing your location in Iraq
or Afghanistan. If your DD214 does not list dates and/or location, please provide additional proof, such as: orders showing
specific location in country and your name, a copy of your ERB (Enlisted Record Brief), ORB (Officer Record Brief), BIR (Basic
Individual Record), Flight Records, or Ship Itineraries.
a. 6 months Foreign Service ($250)- please include a copy of your DD214 Member 4**.
b. Iraq or Afghanistan ($500)- please include a copy of your DD214 Member 4** specifically showing your location in Iraq or
Afghanistan. If your DD214 does not list dates and/or location, please provide additional proof, such as: orders showing
specific location in country and your name, a copy of your ERB (Enlisted Record Brief), ORB (Officer Record Brief), BIR (Basic
Individual Record), Flight Records, or Ship Itineraries.
*First time applicants can be either stateside or outside the continental limits of the United States not including Iraq or
Afghanistan. Stateside service does not apply to the Subsequent Bonus.
**This is the longer form which shows your Character of Service when separated.
I have included all necessary forms for proof of deployment(s).
Office of the State Treasurer
One Ashburton Place, Room 1207
Boston, MA 02108
Attention: Welcome Home Bonus
Please contact our office at (617) 367-9333 ext. 859 with any questions.
[Welcome Home Bonus- PAGE 3]