What is the highest degree that you have earned (check one):
r No degree r Associate Degree r Baccalaureate Degree r Master’s Degree r Doctoral Degree
List ALL colleges and universities attended. Failure to submit official transcripts from all previously attended
colleges and universities (including CT Community Colleges) by
April 1, 2021
will make you ineligible for the
2021-2022 academic year.
Name of School & Address
(City, State & Country if outside the U.S.)
If you have attended additional colleges, please list them on a separate sheet of paper and submit along with
your application. Students who have attended or are currently attending one of the twelve Connecticut
Community Colleges must submit community college transcripts from all previously attended Connecticut
Community Colleges.
No deadline extensions will be given to applicants who fail to submit required transcripts
from the CT Community College System by the application deadline.
All transcripts must be final transcripts. Students taking courses in the fall or winter semester prior to applying
must submit transcripts that include their fall and winter grades. All transcripts (including those with course
withdrawals, course failures, and remedial/developmental courses) must be submitted regardless of the age of
the transcripts and applicability to the Veterinary Technology Program. This includes any college credits earned
while in high school. A minimum 2.7 GPA is required for all courses that meet the admission and curriculum
requirements of the Veterinary Technology Program.
Students who have prior Veterinary Technology coursework that wish to transfer VET* credits to the program
must meet with the Program Coordinator prior to application submission to review course transfer eligibility.
I have provided true, correct, and complete information. I have read and I understand the information provided
in the application instructions and the application packet. I understand that I must submit all official supporting
documents to the Middlesex Community College Office of Enrollment Services by April 1, 2021 in order to be
considered for admission to the 2021-2022 Veterinary Technology Program. I realize that any misleading
information on this application may be cause for dismissal. I request the college forward to me at the email
address I have provided all correspondence, including personally identifiable information pertaining to me from
College records that is protected by FERPA.
r I agree to the
above statement.
r I do not agree to the
above statement.
Signature: Date: