As a new employee you have 180 days to make application for vesting credit.
“Vesting means to qualify for the employer contributions made on your behalf. In the school and state
patrol plans this also means qualifying to receive a monthly retirement benefit.” The application must be
filed with the Public Employees Retirement Systems within 180 days of your date of hire.
All past retirement participation must be in Nebraska Governmental Plans. It is your responsibility to have the
form properly completed and filed.
Print or type all the requested information
School/Patrol Currently Employed By is where you work now.
Date of Hire is the date you commenced working in your new position. If you are with the State Patrol,
this would be your date of graduation from camp. Circle FT/PT to indicate full or part time position.
List your Nebraska Governmental Retirement Plan information and/or past participation with your
current employer here.
Dates are the dates you were in the plan, not when you were employed.
Sign the form and forward it to the Retirement Office immediately. Your Vesting Credit Application will
be considered filed on time if mailed in an envelope properly addressed to the Nebraska Public Employees
Retirement Systems, postage prepaid, and postmarked before midnight of the final filing date. If the final filing
date for such application falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the next secular or business day shall be
the final filing date. If the application is not mailed, the date the application is received by NPERS shall be the
date used to determine whether the application was timely filed.
NOTE: This is not a buy back. You will be notified by the Public Employees Retirement Board if you qualify
for vesting credit. Vesting credit is not included in the calculation of your benefit.
If you need assistance, call the Retirement Office at 402-471-2053 (Lincoln) or Toll-Free at 1-800-245-5712.