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Section 2.A – Secondary identification documents
Person being identified to supply a document from Section 2 above plus one of the following documents:
Full Australian birth certificate or extract
Full foreign birth certificate
Australian Citizenship certificate
Citizenship certificate issued by a foreign government
Descent certificate
Centrelink pension card (Australian)
Department of Veterans’ Affairs card
Can the individual’s full name including all middle names and date of birth be verified using the supplied documents?
Yes No
If Ye s proceed to Section 5
If No Refer to the Verification of Identity escalation procedures
Section 3 – Identification without photographic identity documents
This section is only to be used where the verifier is reasonably satisfied that the documents required to complete Section 2
cannot be produced.
Person being identified to supply one of the following documents: Plus one of the following documents:
Medicare card
Centrelink card
Department of Veterans’ Affairs card
Full birth certificate
Citizenship certificate
Australian Citizenship certificate
The Identity Declarant of the person being identified must:
• complete a Statutory Declaration – Verification of Identity form for the relevant State
• attend a face to face verification interview along with the person being identified and provide photographic
Identification Documents
• to be verified using a separate Verification of Identity Form based on Section 2 guidelines.
Can the individual’s full name including all middle names and date of birth be verified using the supplied documents?
Yes No
If Ye s proceed to Section 5
If No
• If documents do not match due to change of name details, complete section 4.A, or
• Refer to the Verification of Identity escalation procedures
Section 4 – Listed category of identity declarant
This section is only to be used where the verifier is reasonably satisfied that the documents required to complete
sections 2 or 3 cannot be produced.
Person being identified to supply one of the following documents:
Medicare card
Centrelink card
Department of Veterans’ Affairs card
The Identity Declarant of the person being identified must:
• be an Australian Legal Practitioner, a Bank Manager, Community Leader, Court Officer, Medical Doctor, Land Council
Officeholder, Licensed Conveyancer, Local Government Officeholder, Nurse, Public Servant or Police Officer.
• complete a Statutory Declaration – Verification of Identity form for the relevant State
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