Newtown Campus • Student Services Center • Rollins Building • 275 Swamp Road • Newtown • PA • 18940
(215) 968-8182 • (215) 968-8033 fax • •
Adapted by permission from The Pennsylvania State University
Verification Form
Psychological Disorder
Bucks County Community College’s Accessibility Office (TAO) has established the Verification Form for Psychological Disorders to
obtain current information from a qualified practitioner (e.g., licensed physician, psychiatrist, clinical psychologist) regarding a
student’s mental health symptoms, related medications, and their impact on the student and his or her need for accommodations.
This Verification Form may supplement information that is provided in other reports, including medical reports or secondary school
documentation. Any documentation, including this Verification Form, must meet Bucks County Community College’s TAO guidelines
for Psychological Disorders. The person completing this form may not be a relative of the student or hold power of attorney over
the student.
A summary of the guideline criteria for documenting Psychological Disorders can be found at the following web site: A summary of the guideline criteria for documenting Psychological
Disorders is as follows:
1. Evidence of current psychological disorder
2. Exclusion of alternative diagnoses
3. Functional limitations affecting an important life skill, including academic functioning
4. History relevant to current psychological disorder
5. Summary and recommendations
Section I: Student Information (Please type information or print legibly)
Student Name:
Student ID:
Cell Phone:
Bucks Email:
Permanent Street
Local Street
Section II: Provider Section (Please type information or print legibly)
A. Contact with the Student:
Date of initial contact with the student:
Date of last contact with the student:
B. Diagnosis Information:
1. Clinical History
Does the student have a clinical history (i.e., prior to age 12) of Psychological Disorder?
Approximately at what age did the student start to exhibit symptoms?
What date was the student diagnosed with symptoms?
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The Accessibility Office Bucks County Community College
Psychological Disorder Verification Form
Approximately at what age did the student start to exhibit ADD or AD•HD symptoms?
2. DSM Codes: Please include all pertinent diagnoses or rule-out diagnoses using DSM codes (preferably DSM-5
codes). Please be specific with regard to the diagnosed disorder (i.e., specific anxiety disorder, depressive
disorder, etc.)
Please include all pertinent diagnoses or rule-out diagnoses using DSM codes.
Axis I:
Axis II:
Axis III:
Axis IV:
Axis V (GAF):
3. Current Symptoms
a. Please provide information regarding the student’s current presenting symptoms.
b. Is there clear evidence that the student’s symptoms associated with the psychological disorder are
interfering with or reducing the quality of at least one of the following, including academic functioning?
School (classroom or educational
Home or work:
With friends or relatives:
In other activities:
Verification Form: Psychological Disorder 3
The Accessibility Office Bucks County Community College
Psychological Disorder Verification Form
4. Student’s History
a. Please include any historical information relevant to the student’s psychological disorder and associated
functioning (e.g., developmental, familial, medical, pharmacological, psychological, psychosocial).
C. Medications:
Is the student currently taking medication(s) for Psychological Disorder symptoms?
If yes, please provide information below for each medication the student is currently prescribed:
Medication Dosage Frequency (e.g., Adderall 5 mg 1 x daily):
Date Prescribed:
Side effects that impact the student’s functioning (e.g., concentration, sleep, thinking, eating, etc.):
Medication Dosage Frequency (e.g., Adderall 5 mg 1 x daily):
Date Prescribed:
Side effects that impact the student’s functioning (e.g., concentration, sleep, thinking, eating, etc.):
Medication Dosage Frequency (e.g., Adderall 5 mg 1 x daily):
Date Prescribed:
Side effects that impact the student’s functioning (e.g., concentration, sleep, thinking, eating, etc.):
Medication Dosage Frequency (e.g., Adderall 5 mg 1 x daily):
Date Prescribed:
Side effects that impact the student’s functioning (e.g., concentration, sleep, thinking, eating, etc.):
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The Accessibility Office Bucks County Community College
Psychological Disorder Verification Form
D. Therapies:
Is the student currently participating in psychological therapy (e.g., psychotherapy, group therapy, cognitive-
behavior therapy)? If so, what is the nature of the therapy, how long has the student been in therapy, and how often
does the student participate?
E. Functional Limitations and Recommended Accommodations:
1. Please list the student’s current symptoms associated with the psychological disorder and then indicate what
reasonable academic accommodations would mitigate the symptom listed.
2. Sample: During a bout of depression, a student experiences insomnia and often sleeps during the day causing
class absences.
Symptom: (Example)
Student has been diagnosed with Insomnia.
Recommended Reasonable Accommodation(s):
Consideration given to flexed class attendance policies during periods of insomnia
Recommended Reasonable Accommodation(s):
Recommended Reasonable Accommodation(s):
Recommended Reasonable Accommodation(s):
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The Accessibility Office Bucks County Community College
Psychological Disorder Verification Form
Recommended Reasonable Accommodation(s):
Recommended Reasonable Accommodation(s):
Recommended Reasonable Accommodation(s):
Recommended Reasonable Accommodation(s):
Recommended Reasonable Accommodation(s):
Recommended Reasonable Accommodation(s):
Recommended Reasonable Accommodation(s):
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The Accessibility Office Bucks County Community College
Psychological Disorder Verification Form
Section III: Provider’s Certifying Professional Information:
(Please type information or print legibly)
Professionals conducting the assessment, rendering a diagnosis, and providing recommendations for reasonable
accommodations must be qualified to do so (e.g., licensed physician, psychiatrist, clinical psychologist). The provider
signing this form must be the same person answering the above questions.
Provider’s Name:
License Number:
Phone Number:
Practice Street
May this completed Verification Form be released to the student?
Provider Signature:
Section IV: Submitting this Form
This form should be returned to the Accessibility Office (TAO) at Bucks County Community College where the
student is enrolled. All forms need to be submitted at the Newtown campus. Please see the following
methods of submission of this form:
Fax: (215) 968-8033
USPS: Bucks County Community College
Attention: The Accessibility Office
275 Swamp Road
Newtown, Pennsylvania 18940
Physical Newtown Campus
Drop Off: Rollins Center • Student Services Office • Room 001
Information regarding the Accessibility Office (TAO) at Bucks County Community College can be found at Please visit our website for the latest information and updates
as they are made available. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us (215) 968-8182.
Bucks County Community College does not discriminate in its educational programs, activities or employment practices based on race, color, national origin, sex,
sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, ancestry, veteran status, union membership, or any other legally protected category.
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