Newtown Campus • Student Services Center • Rollins Building • 275 Swamp Road • Newtown • PA • 18940
(215) 968-8182 • (215) 968-8033 fax • •
Adapted by permission from The Pennsylvania State University
Verification Form
Physical Health Disorders
Bucks County Community College’s Accessibility Office (TAO) has established the Verification Form for Physical Health Disorders to
obtain current information from a licensed medical practitioner regarding a student’s physical health disorder, associated symptoms,
related medications, and their impact on the student and his or her need for accommodations. This Verification Form may
supplement information that is provided in other reports, including medical reports or secondary school documentation. Any
documentation, including this Verification Form, must meet Bucks County Community College’s TAO guidelines for Physical Health
Disorders. The person completing this form may not be a relative of the student or hold power of attorney over the student.
A summary of the guideline criteria for documenting hearing impairments can be found at the following web site: A summary of the guideline criteria for documenting Physical Health
Disorders is as follows:
1. Evidence of current physical health impairment
2. Functional impairment affecting an important life skill, including academic functioning
3. Exclusion of alternative diagnoses
4. History relevant to current physical health impairment
5. Summary and recommendations
Section I: Student Information (Please type information or print legibly)