a. Tax Return Filers — Complete this section if you, the student, have led or will le a 2017 tax return with the IRS. You may have used the IRS
Data Retrieval To ol (DRT) on your 2019-2020 FAFSA. For assistance using the DRT, see instructions on the last page of this worksheet.
Check the box that applies:
I have led a 2017 Federal IRS Tax Return and have used the DRT through FAFSA
I was UNABLE or chose not to use the DRT through FAFSA, and I will submit one of the following:
Attach your signed 2017 Federal Tax Return Transcript to this worksheet
Submit Tax Return Transcript at a later date
To obtain a Tax Return Transcript online or by mail, go to www.irs.gov/individuals/get-transcript.
OR call IRS at 1-800-908-9946.
I have led an amended tax return (1040X) and will attach to this worksheet or submit at a later date.
b. Tax Return Non-lers: Complete this section if you, the student did not le a 2017 Federal Tax Return
I was not employed, did not have any income earned from working during the year of 2017.
I was employed however, I was not required to le a 2017 Federal IRS Tax Return. If so, complete the box below and attach the
Attach copies of all 2017 W-2’s and/or 1099 forms
Name of Employer Amount Earned in 2017 W-2 Attached? Yes or No
Suzy’s Auto Body Shop (example) $2,000.00 (example) Yes (example)
a. Tax Return Filers — Complete this section for parents listed as a household member under Part II of this form. If parents have not already
used the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT), please see instructions on the last page of this worksheet.
Check the box that applies:
I, the parent(s), have led a 2017 Federal IRS Tax Return and have successfully used the DRT through FAFSA
I, the parent(s), will le and have NOT yet used the DRT, however I will use the DRT later
I was UNABLE or chose not to use the DRT through FAFSA, and I will submit an IRS Tax Return Transcript separately:
Attach your 2017 Tax Return Transcript to this worksheet
Submit 2017 Tax Return Transcript at a later date To obtain a Tax Return Transcript online or by mail, go to www.irs.gov/
individuals/get-transcript. OR call 1-800-908-9946.
I, the parent(s) have led an amended tax return (1040X) and will attach to this worksheet or submit at a later date.
b. Tax Return Non-Filers — If parent(s) DID NOT le a 2017 Federal tax return, they are required to submit a 2017 “IRS Verication of Non-ling
Letter” which can be retrieved from IRS online at https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f4506t.pdf
Check the box that applies:
I, the parent(s), was not employed and did not earn income from working in 2017.
Complete and submit a Household Resources Verication Worksheet — This form can be found online on the Financial Aid
webpage or at the FAO.
I, the parent(s), were employed in 2017 however, I was not required to le a 2017 Federal Tax Return. If so, complete the box below
and attach copies of all 2017 W-2’s and/or 1099 forms
Name of Employer Amount Earned in 2016 W-2 Attached? Yes or No
Suzy’s Auto Body Shop (example) $2,000.00 (example) Yes (example)