Vehicle Tax Invoice Request Form – Dealer Sales Only
Fax number:Name: Phone number:
Email address:
Fax number:Name:
Phone number:
Email address:
Section 1 – Customer details
Residential address
State Postcode
Full given name(s)
Miss Ms Other
Section 2 – What we need you to send back
Direction for dealer
The above customer has expressed interest in purchasing a vehicle from your dealership. We require a copy of vehicle tax invoice
in order to proceed with the customer’s request.
Please ensure your tax invoice contains the following information:
• Your letterhead (with address, contact numbers and ABN)
• Invoice to & Delivery details:
Vehicle details
• Make/Model/Year/Colour
• Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or Chassis Number
• Engine Number
• Registration Number
• Purchase Price
Bank details for electronic funds transfer
• Account Name
• Bank Name
• BSB & Account Number
This form should be used to advise your Car Dealer of the information Commonwealth Bank requires to proceed with
your loan. You can:
• Provide this form to the dealer yourself. If you have the contact details of the branch you are dealing with, you can ask the
dealer to fax it directly to us; or
• Ask one of our staff to fax the Car Dealer direct to request the information.
Please send the invoice to the above Commonwealth Bank Branch fax number or email address as soon as possible.
Please include this request form in your reply. If you have not been provided with the appropriate Commonwealth Bank
details, please provide direct to purchaser/customer.
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