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Recreation Services
Vaughan Fitness Membership Application
All members or guests must complete this form prior to using the fitness centre. All information is confidential.
New: For new and previous members who have let their membership lapse 3 months or more. Complete Sections A, B, C & D.
Renewal: For all current renewals. Complete section A & C only.
Note: If address has changed, complete Section B. If medical information has changed complete Section D.
Section A: Client Information
First Name: Last Name:
Main Phone #: Cell Phone #: Other Phone #:
Full Address:
Email Address:
Check box to receive email updates. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Date of Birth: Age:
Emergency Contact: Main Phone #:
Name of Physician: Main Phone #:
How did you hear about us?
A free fitness consultation and program design is available to all 3-month and annual members. It is strongly recommended that members take
advantage of this professional service before beginning an exercise program. To book an appointment please speak to fitness staff.
Section B: Waiver Please read carefully and sign below
I hereby release the Corporation of the City of Vaughan and its employees from any and all claims or any damages whatsoever arising out of any
accident or injury which may be caused by or results from my participation while engaging in activities at or sponsored by any of the City of Vaughan’s
community centres; except where the damage or injury is caused by the negligence of the City of Vaughan or its agents, officers and employees
acting within the scope of their duties. I further agree that I, the undersigned, have no knowledge of any physical illness or disability that through my participa-
tion could prove dangerous or hazardous to my health.
I have been provided with a complete list of membership privileges and fitness centre policies and agree to abide by them.
Client Initials ___________
I understand that staff are on duty during all operating hours, though there may be times when staff is unavailable for direct supervision in the fitness centre. I am
aware that should exercise caution when using fitness equipment and/or engaging in a fitness activity I am unfamiliar with.
The City of Vaughan reserves the right to suspend or revoke any fitness membership in the event of inappropriate behaviour and/or failure to
follow fitness centre policies by the member and/or member’s guest.
Personal information on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c.25, as amended and will be used for the purpose of entering membership
information into the City’s registration system. Questions regarding this collection may be directed to the Director, Recreation Services, City of Vaughan, 2141 Major
Mackenzie Drive, Vaughan, Ontario L6A 1T1, 905.832.8500.
Client Signature: Date:
Parent Signature: Date:
(if applicant is under 18 years old)
Office Use Only:
Member Guest Locker Rental:
Membership Type: Membership Number: Expiry Date:
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