Applicant Certification
As the applicant, I certify that all inform is application is accurate to the best of
y knowledge and I understand that my failure to appeal at the public hearing in front the municipal
must specifically address the
quirements of Section 910.2 of the PA Municipalities Planning Code, which stipulates that no variance
tional topographical or other physical
loped in strict
the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, nor
will afford relief and will represent the least modification
nsidered a complete application:
A plot plan must accompany the application indicating the arrangement of existing and proposed
properties, abutting
ting the appeal, special exception or variance. If a hardship is claimed, state
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
ignature of Applicant or Authorized Agent Print Name of Applicant or Authorized Agent
_____ _____
ddress Date:
ation contained within th
board of appeals will result in the dismissal of my application. I understand that it will be necessary to
reapply and resubmit all required fee should the application be dismissed.
Applications for a variance from the provisions of the zoning ordinance
shall be granted until the applicant has established, and the Zoning Hearing Board has made all of the
following findings (A through E), where relevant in a given case:
A. Unnecessary hardship due to unique physical circumstances. That there are unique physical
circumstances or shallowness of lot size or shape, or excep
conditions peculiar to the particular property, and that the unnecessary hardship is due to such
conditions and not the circumstances or conditions generally created by the provisions of the
Zoning Ordinance in the neighborhood or district in which the property is located.
B. Unique physical circumstances hinder property development. That because of such physical
circumstances or conditions, there is no possibility that the property can be deve
conformance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and that the authorization of a variance
is therefore necessary to enable the reasonable use of the property.
C. Unnecessary hardship not created by appellant. That the unnecessary hardship has not been
created by the appellant.
D. Character of the neighborhood will not change. That the variance, if authorized, will not alter
the essential character of
substantially or permanently impair the appropriate use of development of adjacent property, nor
be detrimental to the public welfare.
E. Appeal represents the least modification possible. That the variance, if authorized, will
represent the minimum variance that
possible of the regulation in issue.
The following must be submitted to be co
uses on the site, including property lines, setback lines, uses on adjacent
streets, existing buildings and proposed buildings on the site by use and height, points of access to
the site, internal driveways, parking area layout indicating number of parking spaces, signage
areas of earth moving with grade of finished slope noted, means of disposing of storm water, and
proposed landscaping.
A written narrative including information on the grounds for appeal and reasons both with respect
to law and fact for gran
the specific hardship.
Application fee required my the municipality.
_____________________________________ ________________ ____________________
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