438 University Avenue, Suite 1900
Toronto ON M5G 2K8
Telephone: 416 961-8558
Toll-free: 1 888 961-8558
E-mail: registration@college-ece.ca
Website: college-ece.ca
Validator’s Contact Information Form
To complete this form, you must download and save a blank copy to your computer. Close your Internet
browser and open the saved copy from your computer files. Now you may print off a hard copy or enter your
information electronically.
Section 1: Applicant's Information
Applicant's last name
Applicant’s first name
Application reference number
The College requires you to provide the contact information of the individual who can verify your
experience (work experience, practicum or internship) in the practice of early childhood education.
This individual, the Validator, must meet the following criteria:
Has obtained her/his educational qualifications in early childhood education.
Is qualified to practise the profession in their jurisdiction:
o In Ontario, the Validator must be a member in good standing of the College of Early Childhood Educators.
o Outside of Ontario, the Validator must be able to practise the profession.
Mentored your work in the practice of early childhood education.
If you have more than one Validator, you will be required to submit a separate Validator’s Contact
Information Form for each Validator.
All forms are available in English and French only. If your Validator communicates in a language other than
English or French, you will be required to submit a translation of the Validation of Work Experience Form to
the College, along with the completed Validator’s Contact Information Form.
Validation of Work Experience Forms completed and submitted by a Validator who does not meet the
criteria for a qualified Validator will not be considered.
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CECE – Validator’s Contact Information Form (Phase 2) - 2019
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First name
Name of the post-secondary institution (include city, province/state and country)
Relationship to applicant:
Mentor Supervisor
Director or equivalent
Postal Code
Other (please specify)
Validator's preferred mailing address:
B Business
Business name
Business or home address
Unit #
P.O. Box
Telephone number (include area code and extension)
E-mail address
Section 2: Validator’s Contact Information
Last name
Job title
Validator’s post-secondary credential(s), including major
Your privacy matters. For more information on how we protect your data and the way it can be used, please visit college-ece.ca/privacy-statement.
CECE – Validator’s Contact Information Form (Phase 2) - 2019
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