Vacancy Announcement
Human Resources
Browning Hall
When authorization to fill a faculty, administrative, or professional position is granted for either a new or
vacant position, the person responsible for filling the position should submit the following information to the
Affirmative Action Office along with a copy of the proposed advertisement. This procedure is necessary for
compliance with the Arkansas Tech University Hiring Policy for Faculty, Administrative, and Professional
Positions as incorporated into the Arkansas Tech University Plan for Compliance with Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 (Revised 1977).
Title of Position:
Department of Position Offered:
Salary Range:
Will this ad be sent to any specific
persons or institutions? (if yes, attach list)
The following information should also appear in the advertisement.
Closing date for accepting applications:
List of all publications, websites,
newspapers, etc. where the ad will
be placed:
List of Required
List of Preferred
Search Committee Members:
Banner POS #:
Date Position duties commence: