Address City State Zip
Telephone Email Address
Date available to start volunteering.
Why do you want to volunteer at the museum?
Which volunteer opportunities would you be interested in?
Museum Outreach Info Desk Attendant Docent
First Friday Second Saturday Office / Clerical
Special Events, 4:45 pm 9:45 pm- Tuesday through Saturday, Sunday between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm
What days are you available? HiSAM is open Tuesday Saturday 10 am 4 pm.
Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
When are you available?
Mornings Afternoons Evenings
Please indicate any special skill you have:
Computer Education Events Languages
Customer Service Office Exhibitions Other
Do you have volunteer Experience? Yes No
Do you have experience in the arts or in a museum? Yes No
If “yes” please describe:
Please list your current or previous employment / volunteer work.
Company / Organization Company Organization
Dates volunteered or worked Dates volunteered or worked
Duties Duties
Supervisor/contact info Supervisor / contact info.
Continue on reverse side if necessary
I certify that the above statements are true, and if found to be incorrect, I agree to resign immediately upon request without
protest. I authorize the Hawai‘i State Art Museum to verify these statements and references, and I authorize my former
supervisors to furnish any relevant information. If a position may not be available at this time, I release the Museum from any
liability of failure to notify me of future availability.
Applicant’s Signature Date
Please return to:
SFCA, Visitor Services
250 S. Hotel St. 2
Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: (808) 586-9959
Fax: (808) 586-0308
click to sign
click to edit
Emergency Contact Information
The purpose of this form is to enable the SFCA to make emergency contact on your behalf in the
event that you would not be able to do so yourself. The information contained herein is strictly
confidential and will not be used for any other purpose. Thank you for your participation.
Date: _______________________________
Volunteer: _______________________________
Please list any medical restrictions, requirements, allergies that you may have:
In case of emergency- notify:
Name: _________________________ Relationship:___________________________________
Phone: _________________________________
Address: _________________________________
Physician: _________________________________ Phone: ______________________