Industrial Hemp
Amount to Remit: $50
Dealer Registration Application
OPPR-400 Rev. 10/19
Page 1 of 4 Finance Code: 814 – 09060
P.O. Box 526 Richmond, VA 23218
OPPR-400 (Rev. 10/19)
NOTE: The Industrial Hemp Dealer Registration is not intended for a retail establishment
selling a hemp product. An Industrial Hemp Dealer buys industrial hemp from a grower and
sells that industrial hemp to another dealer or to a processor.
The annual Industrial Hemp Dealer Registration application fee is $50. Please make a check for $50
payable to Treasurer of Virginia and mail your check and application materials to the address above.
Do you currently have an Industrial Hemp Dealer Registration? Yes No
If yes, please provide your registration number and its expiration date:
Registration Number
Expiration Date
Do not complete both Section 1-A and Section 1-B.
SECTION 1-A. Please complete Section 1-A if you are applying as an individual.
Applicant Name:
Physical Address
Where Applicant
Mailing Address:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
SECTION 1-B. Please complete Section 1-B if you are applying on behalf of a business.
Industrial Hemp
Amount to Remit: $50
Dealer Registration Application
OPPR-400 Rev. 10/19
Page 2 of 4 Finance Code: 814 – 09060
NOTE: The business will be the registered dealer. The individual noted as the “Responsible
Authority” should be the individual who signs the application and will be the individual with
whom VDACS will communicate regarding the registration and the business’s activities.
Business Name:
State Corporation
Commission ID:
Physical Address of
Principal Place of
Mailing Address:
Name of Responsible
Title of Responsible
Telephone Number of
Responsible Authority:
Email Address of
Responsible Authority:
Have you been convicted of a drug felony in the past 10 years? Yes No
NOTE: An individual with a felony drug conviction within 10 years of the application date is not
eligible for an Industrial Hemp Dealer Registration.
“Dealership” means the location at which a dealer stores or intends to store the industrial hemp in
which he deals.
Please identify the dealership(s) at which you plan to store industrial hemp. Please attach an
additional sheet if you plan to store industrial hemp at more than two dealerships.
Dealership 1
Square Feet
Coordinates (dealership location)(in Decimal Degrees) (Ex.37.123456, -77.123456)
Physical Address/Location
Industrial Hemp
Amount to Remit: $50
Finance Code: 814 – 09060
Dealership 2
Square Feet
Coordinates (dealership location)(in Decimal Degrees) (Ex.37.123456, -77.123456)
Physical Address/Location
NOTE: Failure to submit an application with completed dealership information may result in
delay of processing. If you are unsure how to obtain the coordinates for your dealership(s), please visit
our website at for instructions.
The Virginia Industrial Hemp Law provides that it is lawful for a dealer or his agent to deal industrial
hemp in the Commonwealth for any lawful purpose and that no dealer or his agent shall be prosecuted
under § 18.2-247, 18.2-248, 18.2-248.01, 18.2-248.1, 18.2-250, or 18.2-250.1 for the possession or
dealing of industrial hemp. Please provide the names of the individuals you expect will be your agents
for the purpose of dealing hemp under the Virginia Industrial Hemp Law at the dealership(s) listed in
this application.
Full Name of Potential Agents
NOTE: Registered dealers may wish to provide the “Agent Documentation” form available on the
VDACS website to each person they intend to serve as their agent for the limited purpose of dealing
industrial hemp. You do not need to submit this form to VDACS.
Section 3.2-4115(D) of the Virginia Industrial Hemp Law provides that “[a]ll records data, and
information filed in support of a registration application submitted pursuant to this section shall be
considered proprietary and excluded from the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act
(§ 2.2-3700 et seq.).”
Hemp growers and hemp-related businesses are often interested in identifying hemp dealers.
Despite the FOIA exclusion described above, do you want VDACS to make your name, mailing
address, and email address available to the public? Yes No
If yes, please indicate the hemp variety(ies) in which you deal:
Dealer Registration Application
OPPR-400 Rev. 10/19
Page 3 of 4
Industrial Hemp
Amount to Remit: $50
Dealer Registration Application
OPPR-400 Rev. 10/19
Page 4 of 4 Finance Code: 814 – 09060
All of the above
By initialing and signing below, the applicant acknowledges that the applicant has read the following
VDACS will forward a record of each Industrial Hemp Dealer Registration issued by
the Commissioner to the chief law enforcement officer of the locality in which the
registered dealer will deal industrial hemp.
VDACS will notify the Superintendent of State Police of the locations of all
industrial hemp dealerships.
The Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services may require a dealer to
destroy, at the cost of the dealer and in a manner approved of and verified by the
Commissioner, any Cannabis sativa that the dealer deals that has been tested and is
found to have a concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) greater than that
allowed by law (0.3%).
The Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services may advise the
Superintendent of State Police or the chief law-enforcement officer of the appropriate
county or city when a dealer deals any Cannabis sativa with a concentration of THC
that is greater than that allowed by law (0.3%).
All records, data, and information filed in support of a registration application shall
be considered proprietary and excluded from the provisions of the Virginia Freedom
of Information Act.
Raw plant material, including, but not limited to, hemp micro greens and flowers, if
sold in Virginia, may only be sold to an individual who is a registered Industrial
Hemp Grower, Dealer, or Processor.
I hereby affirm that, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, I have made no
misrepresentation on this application or failed to disclose any information requested on this
I affirm that I am authorized to give consent to enter the above-described dealership(s) and I hereby
consent to the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, local law enforcement
officials, or the Virginia Department of State Police entering the above-described dealership(s) to
conduct physical inspections of the industrial hemp to ensure compliance with the requirements of the
Virginia Industrial Hemp Law (Va. Code § 3.2-4112 et seq.).
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