PUBLIC HEARING Packet – 2/2018
In general, the following documents are required for all requests. Please submit “
copies” of all plats of survey, architectural
plans, photographs, and any other document to be included in the petition file that CANNOT be copied on 8 ½ x 11 paper
exceptions are noted below ().
Do NOT submit any
documents until
they have been submitted by email and
reviewed by
staff first.
Email to: See last page for Additional information prior to completion of the application.
1. Completed APPLICATION. (Original and 2 copies)
2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Original and 2 copies) Provide the current typed Legal Description for the
existing lot(s); include PIN Numbers. Email the typed legal description in a Word Document to gpolanek@oak-
3. ONE COPY of the most CURRENT REAL ESTATE TAX BILL. Provide one copy for each parcel.
4. Proof of Ownership required. Provide ONLY one copy; this is for office use only. If property is in Trust
Complete Beneficial Interest Form. If not, submit form with 'not applicable' noted.
5. STANDING – If the applicant is NOT the property owner, obtain written authorization from the owner(s) to
apply for the relief you are seeking. (Original and 2 copies)
6. SUBJECT PROPERTY VERIFICATION (Original and 2 copies) complete a form for each P.I.N. *Note:
Permanent Index No. (P.I.N.- Tax Parcel Number on tax bill), Legal Description and Common Address MUST all
coincide. See Property Verification Form in this packet. Contact DuPage County: 1) Records Room – 630-407-5401
and to cross-check and verify the accuracy of the PIN number, legal and common address.
7. List of SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS and CERTIFICATION (Original and 2 copies) See
the forms for requirements – If in doubt regarding whether or not to include a property on this list, it is advised that
you include it. Please follow the requirements closely; it could impact the hearing date. You may note "see
attached" on the form to include a typed document following the format provided. The information needed may
be obtained from the applicable Assessor’s Office below:
York Township
Assessor’s Office
1502 Meyers Road
Lombard, IL 60148
Downers Grove Township
r’s Office
4340 Price Street
Downers Grove, IL 60515
8. One (1) set of Mailing ADDRESS LABELS include each property owner listed on the SURROUNDING
PROPERTY OWNERS form (item #7) above.
9. Payment of Required FEES plus $50 for each Public Hearing Sign – Determine how many street
frontages and parcels are on the subject property. Include that number on the application form.
10. LETTER OF EXPLANATION. (Original and 2 copies) This document should provide the background/
history of your request and why you need the relief being sought. Review the specific section of the
ordinance that you are seeking relief.
11. STANDARDS or FACTORS (Original and 2 copies). In a separate document, type out and respond
to each standard. This is a requirement by Ordinance and must be addressed in writing (Standards or
Factors to be addressed will be provided depending upon the relief requested - Variation-Amendment-Special
Use, etc. may be attached)
12. Current PLAT OF SURVEY showing all improvements on the property. (4 copies folded)
13. Detailed and dimensioned SITE PLAN illustrating the proposed project. (14 copies folded and 1 copy reduced
to 8 ½ x 11)