Plan and Specifications shall show the following information:
a. Scaled plan view showing the location & elevations of the existing ditch,
existing driveway culverts, the closest upstream and downstream culverts,
existing edge and centerline of pavement, edge of shoulder, sump pump
and downspout leads, lot boundaries and proposed enclosure pipe.
b. Scaled profile view showing the existing road profile, ditch profile, lot and
adjacent culvert elevations for the top and invert of pipes, top of driveway
elevations, proposed top of ground elevations and proposed enclosure pipe
elevations, size and gradient. Cross sections showing existing and
proposed spot elevations (in USGS datum) must be provided at lot lines
extended, over the enclosure at break points, inlets, driveway culvert
/storm sewer connections and at other locations as deemed necessary by
the Village Engineering Department. Surveyor/design Engineer is contact
the Village Engineering Department for additional cross section and
grading plan requirements.
c. The plans shall depict the sizes, locations and depths of all nearby utilities
including, but not limited to, water, sewer, gas, electric and telephone
mains and services. Sanitary sewer manhole rims and inverts must be
shown upstream and downstream of the project.
d. Detailed drawings showing the type of manhole or catch basin
construction and type of connection for any tile, sump pump or downspout
laterals shall be provided. Details of the storm sewer / ditch enclosure
system must also be provided and must conform to Village requirements.
e. Systems must be constructed of corrugated metal pipe or reinforced
concrete pipe. End aprons are to be installed on the inlet and outlet ends of
the enclosure system.
f. Sketch showing existing and future contributing drainage areas.
g. Hydraulic calculations verifying the hydraulic capacity of the involved
h. Complete construction specifications which must conform to the State
Specifications for Sewer and Water Construction, Village Ordinances and
the Village Engineer’s Minimum Ditch Enclosure Specifications.
4. If another utility line or facility is in the immediate area of the enclosure, the
applicant shall provide written verifications from the involved utility that there are no
objections to the proposed enclosure.