Name: ________________________________________Student ID: __________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________ City: ____________________
State: ________ Zip Code: _________________Phone Number: ______________________________
FKCC email
Indicate the term for which you are requesting certification:
Fall: ______ Spring: _______ Summer: _______ Year:
Total Term Credit Hours: ________
Degree Goal:
□ A.A.
□ A.S. in _________________________
□ A.A.S in ________________________
□ Bachelor of Applied Science
□ Certificate in ___________________
□ Transient, list Home School___________________________________
Please check your V.A. Benefit Category:
□ Post 9/11 G.I. Bill (Ch 33) □ Selected Reserve/Nat’l Guard (Ch 1606)
□ Montgomery G.I. Bill (Ch 30) □ Reserve Ed. Assist. Program (Ch 1607)
□ Vocational Rehabilitation (Ch 31) □ VEAP (Chapter 32) or VRAP
□ Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance (Ch 35) VA File #_______________
Please indicate other sources of financial assistance being used:
□ Tuition Assist/EDD □ Scholarship □ Fin Aid □ Waiver □ Employer Assistance
1. Eligible veterans and dependents are responsible for notifying the V.A. office at FKCC of their intent to use
VA educational benefits. Submit a Certification Request form to the Office of Financial Aid and Veteran’s
Affairs each semester by email to, by fax to 305‐292‐5166 or in person to our office
located in Building A of our Key West Campus.
2. Register ONLY for courses that will apply to your degree program. Only courses that apply towards your
declared major will be certified. Students are not notified / informed of reduced certification hours due to
3. You must immediately notify the Veterans office when any of the following situations occur. Failure to do
so may result in an overpayment collection.
a. Add or Drop a class
b. Change your major or program
c. Change your address
d. Withdraw from a class or college
e. Change your dates of attendance
f. Use other sources of assistance (Such as Scholarships, DOD Tuition Assistance, or Waivers)
g. Fail or withdraw from all courses
4. If you do not make satisfactory academic progress and are suspended by the college, your GI Bill benefits
cannot be resumed until you have met the college requirements for reinstatement.