Friday 8 May 2020, has been designated as a Bank Holiday to enable as many parish
councils, community and voluntary organisations, to join in the VE Day 75 celebrations,
so we do hope that you will take part over the VE Day weekend of the 8 – 10 May 2020,
providing you with the opportunity to pay your personal tribute to those who gave so
much to ensure we all enjoy the freedom we have today.
We are keen to hear from groups / organisations in communities across North West
Leicestershire that are looking to celebrate VE Day. The district council is making funding
available to support such celebratory initiatives. This could include: a tea party, an
exhibition, a talk, a social event for young and old, a dance with a VE Day 75 celebratory
theme / connection. This grant is open to parish councils, community groups and schools
(schools need to evidence that their project is totally inclusive of the community).
VE Day 75th anniversary celebrations
Grant application form
Grants of £250 are available
For oce use only
Date received Date acknowledged
Name of applicant
Amount applied for
Date of commencement of project
Geographical area of project
Ward member
Grant approved/Refused (link to evaluation)
Does the application link to council priorities?
Applications from organisations that have been active in their community are eligible to
apply for £250.
Circumstances where we WILL NOT provide nancial support:
Funding requests from organisations which have a large cash ow surplus
• Request for funding AFTER the activity or project has taken place
• Requests for funding for religious activities
• Requests for funding for political activities or by a political organisation
Requests for funding for activities / projects which do not benet individuals who live in
North West Leicestershire
• Requests for funding from private organisations or individuals
Where there is potential reputational risk for North West Leicestershire District Council.
Your application will be reviewed and assessed and we aim to make a decision within six
weeks of receiving your application.
VE Day 75th anniversary celebrations Grant Scheme Application Form
1. Your organisation name and type
Full name as it appears on your governing document and what type eg. community group, charity, social enterprise/ CIC, uniformed
group, sports club, other.
2. Project name
Give the full title of your project, keep it simple and snappy.
3. Tell us about your project and how you intend to celebrate VE Day?
(maximum of 300 words)
This relates to the project you are applying for only.
4. Are any permissions or consents required to deliver this project?
Provide evidence such as temporary events notice, land owner consent, specic insurances for this project.
VE Day 75th anniversary celebrations Grant Scheme Application Form
5. When do you anticipate that your project will start and end?
We need to know that you have a denite timetable in place for your project.
Estimated start date
Estimated end date
6. Project costs breakdown
Item / description Cost (Net of VAT)
VAT* £
Total projects costs £
Funding requested £
Please provide us with a breakdown of your project costs. Net of VAT means the cost before VAT is added.
*If any VAT element can be reclaimed by you, you must exclude it from the bid. All expenditure listed requires a corresponding
quote to be included with the application.
7. Details of main contact for your organisation
*Name and title
*Postcode *Email
Landline telephone
* Mobile telephone
This should be the main person we can contact if we have any questions about the application
* These sections are compulsory but we will not share any of the information with the public.
VE Day 75th anniversary celebrations Grant Scheme Application Form
8. Any other information to support your application
Please include any additional information you think will help support your application.
10. Have you included the required documents?
A signed and dated copy of your organisations constitution
Copies of your most recent bank account statement
Safeguarding policies if your project directly involves children and young people
under the age of 18
Formal quotes of expenditure which cross reference to your project costings
It is your responsibility to have appropriate policies and procedures in place. Please tick appropriate boxes.
Please make sure that you have answered all of the questions in the form before sending it to us. If your
application is incomplete and is without the required information, this may result in your application
being delayed or even withdrawn from consideration.
9. Supporting items
We are supplying a pack of 20 hand held ags to
support successful applications. Please tick box if
you wish them to be included.
We are supplying 10 metres of bunting to support
successful applications. Please tick box if you wish
them to be included
VE Day 75th anniversary celebrations Grant Scheme Application Form
11. Appeals against decision
If you disagree with a grant application decision, you can appeal. You will need to appeal in writing to This will be considered by our grant scheme assessor and you will receive a
decision within 28 days.
Data Protection
We may share information with organisations and individuals with a legitimate interest in our grant funding
programmes. We have a duty to protect public funds and for that reason we may also share information with other
government departments, organisations providing matched funding or for the prevention and detection of crime.
If you provide false or inaccurate information in your application or at any point in the life of any funding we
award you and fraud is identied, we will provide details to the fraud prevention agencies to investigate. We
might use the data you provide for research purposes. We recognise the need to maintain the condentiality of
vulnerable groups and their details will not be made public in any way, except as required by law.
On the success of your project, we retain the right to advertise your project in local and national media, including
social media.
Freedom of Information Act
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives members of the public the right to request any information that the
district council holds. This includes information received from third parties, such as, although not limited to grant
applicants, grant holders, contractors and people making a complaint. If information is requested under the
Freedom of Information Act we will release it, subject to exemptions; although we may choose to consult with
you rst.
By ticking this box you conrm that you understand North West Leicestershire District Council’s obligations under
the Data Protection Act from 1998 to 2018 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You accept that as long as
the Council’s actions conform to the relevant law it will not be liable for any loss or damage that your group might
suer as a result of the Council fullling its obligations.
Privacy statement –
Email your completed application form and accompanying documents to