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Requirement to be Valedictorian
Virtues of the Valedictorian:
1. Demonstrate high academic achievement, leadership, and communication skills
2. Represent the entire school community
3. Exemplify the outcomes set for graduates of SOBE
Basic criteria to be the valedictorian of the School of Business and Economics:
1. Open to all students graduating from any SOBE program
(December, 2019 to April, 2020 completion);
2. Must have a minimum 3.20 cumulative GPA;
3. Involvement in campus and/or community activities;
4. Candidates will need to name one SOBE faculty member to support their application;
Selection process for the valedictorian of SOBE:
1. Any graduating student who meets criteria (above) may apply.
2. Candidates must submit a completed application form and resume by the specified
3. All applications will be submitted (without names and student numbers) to a committee
of SOBE faculty and students (appointed by TRUSU) for ranking.
4. The valedictorian will be invited to write a message to their class that will be inserted into
the convocation program along with their picture.
5. The valedictorian will no longer be invited to address the graduates at the convocation
6. The Committee will choose the valedictorian by Monday, April 27
, 2020.
The completed application form must be submitted by
8:00 a.m., on Friday, April 17
, 2020,
to Lisa Lake (llake@tru.ca).