Mailing Address Development Services Department Utility Plan Review Checklist
Mail Stop 405 Telecommunication & Utility Franchise Revised: 3-17-2020
PO Box 4008 Telephone (480) -782-3310
Chandler, Arizona 85244-4008 www.chandleraz.gov Page 4 of 5
extenders, transformers, capacitor banks, aerial storage loops, splice enclosures, etc. All new facilities must be
placed underground. See section 9.2 of Chapter 46
and section 4 of Chapter 47 of Chandler City Code.
Aerial overhead in City ROW or PUE must be shown and called out on plans. If a riser is to be placed, identify
new connection or existing aerial plant being tied into and method of connection. Existing aerial fiber storage
and splice enclosures are considered embargoed and must be converted to underground. A one-time installation
of a riser stub cable may be permitted at the discretion of the City Engineer and should be sized appropriately
and spliced accordingly so that future access to aerial splice enclosures is not required. New risers are not
allowed on poles when high-voltage power lines (above twelve (12)kv) are present as required by
section 4 of
Chapter 47 of Chandler City Code.
Convert to first existing pole beyond property limits.
• Place underground all overhead utility lines, either within a proposed development or redevelopment project
within public ROW or easements adjacent to the project. Utility poles and lines are defined herein as the
poles, structures, wire, aerial cables and related facilities used in the distribution of electricity or in the
transmission of telecommunications, telegraph, data, radio or video communications. This requirement
includes both new and existing utility lines on and adjacent to the project, including lines which extend across
public streets, alleys or easements adjacent to the property being developed or redeveloped. Existing utility
lines adjacent to a project must be under-grounded up to the first existing pole beyond the limits of the
property. This requirement includes the undergrounding of all existing overhead service lines attached to the
lines to be removed along with necessary conduit, supports, restoration, etc., necessary to convert the service
line from overhead to underground. The requirement must apply regardless of the existence of easements
for overhead lines. When high-voltage lines (above twelve (12) KV or similar) are present, all lines other than
the high-voltage lines must be placed underground. See section 4 of Chapter 47 of Chandler City Code
Verify joint trench opportunities, with utilities for installations greater than six hundred (600) feet and for arterial
street crossings.
• The most common joint trench designs involve some combination of dry utilities, i.e. electric,
communication (telephone, cable, video service, fiber optic, data lines) and gas, with the exception of high
pressure (greater than 60 psig) gas lines and lines that are six (6) inches or greater in diameter. If the
associated utilities decline joint trench opportunities, submit written documentation to Utility Coordination via
email at tuf@chandleraz.gov
, or submit the documentation along with the plan set at the time of permit
Place service underground. See section 9.2 of Chapter 46 and section 4 of Chapter 47 of Chandler City Code.
Maintain a six (6) foot minimum horizontal separation from the exterior wall of any underground non-City utility
must be provided to the exterior wall of storm drains, water and sewer mains. All fire lines, regardless of size,
(including hydrants and other fire service connections) are considered mains.
Maintain a three (3) foot minimum horizontal separation from the exterior wall of any underground non-City
utility must be provided to the exterior wall of water and sewer service lines. This separation applies to open
trenching only. Refer to MAG section 608 and the City Supplement to MAG Section 608
for clearance
requirements while boring.
Maintain two (2) foot minimum vertical separation from the exterior wall of any underground non-City utility
must be provided to the exterior wall of all wet utilities.
Utilities should be installed in standard locations to minimize the impact to the public right-of-way and the safety
of the travelling public and to avoid congestion as required by Chandler City Code Section 46-6.1(A)
. For
additional information regarding standard utility locations refer to the City of Chandler Standard Details and
Specifications, Street Series,
C-200 – C-254.