Users Guide to Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I navigate the WeCare system?
2. How do I use the Shortcuts?
3. How do I edit my Employee Information?
4. How do I edit and add Family Members?
5. How do I make or change a Benefit Election?
6. How can I obtain an Election Summary?
7. Where can I find additional information and help?
Click Here for Instructions
Click Here for Instructions
Click Here for Instructions
Click Here for Instructions
Click Here for Instructions
Click Here for Instructions
Click Here for Instructions
The system can be navigated in two ways. You are able to click on the titles of each
“Action Item” in the menu along the top or you can use the navigation keys on the top
right hand side of the screen.
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The system has built in “Shortcuts” for “Power Users.” You are able to use the menu
items atop the “Action Item” Menu Bar. You can jump to the “Home” screen as well as
the “Election Summary” screen by clicking on them. Also you can go to each of the
benefit election pages by selecting “Quick Nav.”
Editing Employee Information
Employee Information can be edited on the Personal Data page. The bottom center of
the page contains an “Edit” button that will enable you to edit your information. Once
complete you can select “Save Changes” and your information will be saved.
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Editing and Adding Family Information
Family Members can be added and edited on the “Family Data” page. You can edit an
existing family member by selecting the button to the right of their name that says “Edit.”
If you would like to add a new family member you can select the “Add New” button
which will enable you to add their information into the system. Once complete you can
select “Save Changes”.
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Making and Changing Benefit Elections
Once on the appropriate Benefit Screen you can make or change a benefit election. In
order to select the benefit amount that you are comfortable with select “Change
Coverage.” This will bring up another screen that will enable you to choose who you
would like to cover as well as a coverage level that makes you feel comfortable. Once
complete, select “Save Changes.”
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Obtaining an Election Summary
Whether you have navigated to the Election Summary by using the “Next” navigation
buttons or used the Shortcuts, once there you can print out a summary of all the benefit
elections made during the enrollment. To print out the summary you will have to scroll to
the bottom of the page and select “Print Confirmation Statement” and you will be able to
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Finding Additional Help and Information
All pages of the system have helpful information along the bottom. This information
includes the Impact Interactive Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions as well as the
access to change your password and contact information to any additional assistance
that may be offered to you.
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