The instruction general, provost and academic general department numbers will no longer be available in the
pcard system. Faculty and staff should post the expenses to their department budgets using the "faculty professional
development" object code and then complete this form within 60 days of the expense for fund reimbursements.
Name on P-Card:
Department Name and # Originally Charged:
Name of P-Card Expense Report,
i.e., April 2016
Note: receipts must
be uploaded to the p-card system and accurate descriptions
are required for processing.
Reason for expenses:
Expense(s) transferred to: Faculty Professional Development $
Presenter's (please attach verification of presentation)
Faculty Small Grant $
Faculty Publication Support $
Faculty/Staff Recruiting $
Other: _____________________________________ $
Total Amount to Transfer: $
Total Amount to Charge: $
(Please use a separate form for each expense report)
Alma College
Use of Provost Funds Transfer Request
Provost office will forward approved form to Financial Services listing the account numbers to be charged.
The Financial services office will credit your department's "faculty professional development" line, prepare and post the entry.
Amount to Transfer:
(Please list)
Person Completing Form:
To be completed by Provost's Office Staff
Account # to Charge:
Provost Office Approval:
Amount to Charge:
Originator - Provost's Office - August 2016