Updated August 22, 2019
Professional Development and Research Grant Limitations
This award is a reimbursement for expenses incurred in research or professional development.
Students must present receipts for research and professional development (outlined below) to
receive reimbursement. Students will receive reimbursement from the ATU Foundation Office
via check. Once the check has been prepared, the Graduate College will notify the recipient. If
up-front expenses create a barrier for research or conference participation, please contact the
Graduate College at (479)968-0399.
Award amounts vary with a maximum of $1,000; however, the majority of awards range between
$300 - $500.
Application Process:
• Submit a completed application form.
• Provide a 250 word (maximum) abstract that provides an overview of research or
professional development activity, your specific role in the activity or research, and how
this activity/research will be beneficial to, you, the graduate student.
o For Research—please share a list of individuals working on this research and
their credentials, if the research has been approved by IRB (if applicable);
timeline to conduct research; and what you will do with the results from the
research. In addition, provide a detailed budget outlining expenses for individual
items required to complete research.
o For Professional Development—Provide documentation showing the registration
costs associated with the conference/webinar/presentation and an estimated
budget for travel expenses (lodging and transportation only – meals are not
covered). Note: to be reimbursed for fuel, students must be approved by the state
of Arkansas to drive on state business. Please complete and submit the
Driver Authorization Form with your application if you plan to request
reimbursement for fuel.
• Submit a max typed one-page report upon the conclusion of their research or upon their
return from the professional conference.
o For research grants—indicate the results from their research and plans for future
o For professional conference presentation/attendance--provide a copy of the
presentation (if applicable); a reflection of their experience; and a copy or some
other documentation showing their presentation on the conference schedule.
o This report must be submitted before the end of the semester they were awarded
the funds to the graduate college. Failure to submit this final report, will result in
a hold being placed on the student’s account by the graduate college preventing
them from registering for classes and they will lose the ability to apply for future
grants. In the unlikely event the student decides not to complete their research or
attend the conference, the student will be expected to return the funds to the
Graduate College Foundation Account.