Updated: June 12, 2017
Furniture: (such as account codes: 710013 and 711013)
All furniture must comply with Institutional and Public area Fire Codes as follows:
CAL 133 for buildings without a sprinkler system and Residence Halls
CAL 117 for buildings with sprinkler systems (excluding Residence Halls)
Check with Facilities to see if there is any surplus furniture on campus that can be re-purposed
New Furniture should match existing furniture, when possible (especially in newly renovated
Your requisition should include the following:
Quotation Number (entered in the “Document Text” print box)
Item #, Part # and or Model # (entered on each commodity line item)
Detailed Description of item on each commodity line
Correct quantity and unit cost
Installation costs (if vendor is installing a Certificate of Insurance is required)
Expected delivery date