University of the Incarnate Word
Office of Financial Assistance
Waiver Information Form
4301 Broadway, Box 308
San Antonio, TX 78209
Phone: (210) 829-6008
Fax: (210) 283-5053
Revised 12/2018
Student Last Name Student First Name Student ID Number
nowledge each statement with your initials:
___ Waiver applications must be submitted to Human Resources (HR) for every term /semester that the employee or dependent
wishes to utilize the benefit. Students with other waivers (CIC, CC, tuition exchange) are approved by HR annually.
___ Each year, students must either complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid at or submit a
copy of the sponsoring employee’s most recent tax return to the Office of Financial Assistance to determine eligibility.
(High school and transient students are not eligible to submit a FAFSA, therefore the sponsoring employee’s tax return is required).
___ The waiver policy follows the academic year which starts with the Summer I session and ends with the Spring II session.
___ Waivers will not be applied until all requested documents by the Office of Financial Assistance are received and processed.
___ All waiver recipients must demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to maintain eligibility. SAP cumulative
GPA requirements: undergraduate students 2.0 and graduate students 3.0. Students must also successfully complete 75% of all
attempted coursework (UIW courses and transfer work) and cannot exceed your degree requirements by more than 150%.
___ Undergraduate dependents are eligible for the waiver up to 18 hours for fall and spring, and up to 12 hours for summer.
___ Undergraduate employees are eligible for the waiver up to 9 hours for Main Campus students, up to 12 hours for School of
Professional Studies (in-class) students, and up to 15 hours for School of Professional Studies (online) students, per academic
year. Graduate employees are eligible for one waiver per semester up to 9 hours per academic year.
___ Students taking online courses are required to pay a $350 program fee per course. The waiver will not cover this charge.
___ Students utilizing the waiver will not be eligible to receive any other UIW aid (i.e. UIW Academic Scholarship, UIW
grants, UIW performance-based, UIW scholarships/discounts) or state grants towards tuition. Any UIW aid awarded prior to
approval of the waiver will be invalid and a revised award letter will be generated to show acceptance of the waiver and
cancellation of any other UIW aid.
___ Dependents of UIW employees, living on campus, may use their UIW Academic Scholarship (if applicable) to assist with
the cost of the dorm, but cannot be used for any other costs.
___ Students who qualify for outside scholarships and/or the Pell Grant may use their awards to assist with non-covered costs
(i.e., fees, meal plans, parking permits, etc.), provided all aid fits within the student’s need and cost of attendance.
___ Dependents planning to study abroad may contact the Office of Financial Assistance to determine if the waiver will apply.
___ Graduate students who exceed $5,250 per calendar year in waivers for graduate level courses, will be required to pay taxes
on the amount over $5,250. Please contact HR for more information on this requirement.
Your signature verifies you understand the policies outlined in this form.
Student Signature (Required) Date
Sponsoring Employee (Required for dependent waivers) Date