Wyoming 4-H/Youth Development Program Annual Treasurers’ Report Page | 5
Annual Financial Review Form
All chartered 4-H clubs and groups under the direction of the University of Wyoming Extension 4-H Program must
complete an annual financial review. This form is to be completed by the club/group financial review committee.
Checklist for reviewers (The items listed below should be reviewed by the financial review committee)
□ Account Journal reconciled with bank statements and match annual financial report
□ Deposits are documented with bank receipts
□ Expenses are documented with receipts
□ Checks contain appropriate signatures (if able to determine)
□ Inventory report is up-to-date and accurate (may review minutes or account journal for accuracy)
List any income and/or expenses without receipts and/or entries without proper documentation of
source or purpose.
Check #
Suggestions for improvement/ Reviewers’ comments:
We have examined the financial records of the club/group and found then to be:
□ In order
□ In order, but need better organization or record keeping
□ Not in order
Date review was conducted ________________
Members of the review committee:
Reviewer 1____________________________ Signature _______________________________
Reviewer 2____________________________ Signature _______________________________
Reviewer 3____________________________ Signature _______________________________
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