Purchasing PC03
University of Windsor BTA Card Application
This form is to be used by the Campus Community to apply for a UWindsor BTA Card.
Departments’ Name
(21 character limit on full name): _____________________________________________________________
Contact Individuals (First Name, Last Name): _________________________________________________________
Contact Individuals’ Business Phone Number: (519) 253- 3000 ext. ____________
Contact Individuals’ E-mail address: ______________________________@uwindsor.ca
UWinID (Used as login ID with CentreSuite): _________________________________
Significant Date: ______________________________ (month/day/year)
You must assign your own significant date. It is required by the Bank for security reasons. It must be a valid DATE (8
digits) and format must be MMDDYEAR (e.g. 12011941).
Reminder: All Cardholders must complete the mandatory online BTA Card Training and Quiz before you can pick up your BTA
Card from the Procurement Office. If the quiz is not completed when you go to pick up your BTA Card, the Purchasing Card
Administrator will not release your new card to you. Training and Quiz can be found at:
Monthly Spending Limit: $ 15,000
Merchant Category Code (MCC) exclusions for this Purchasing Card will be set up as per University
defaults - refer to Cardholder Information Package.
Please list which account numbers should be linked to your purchasing card. These will be used for
transaction/expense allocation within the Scotia CentreSuite Card Management System. You must
have signing authority on these accounts:
Fund #: _________________________________________________________
Department Account# _____________________________________________
Program Account # ________________________________________________
Project Account # _________________________________________________
Classification Account # ____________________________________________
Explanation as to why the department will require a BTA Card: