For office use only:
Date turned in:__________________
Initials of person accepting
University of Minnesota Crookston
Administrative, Coca-Cola™ Beverage Partnership, Event Partnership Grants Common
Application Form
Return completed applications to 238 Student Center.
You must use this form. If you are applying for more than one grant, you are responsible for submitting
more than one copy of this applic
Grants Applying for (check all that apply)
Coca-Cola: Campus Life Initiative (registered student organizations only)
Coca-Cola: Community Initiative
Coca-Cola: Beverage Marketing (staff/faculty events; product promotions)
Fill out the correct information for each student organization (or department if applicable) involved in your event, add
additional student organizations and their contact information on a separate page.
Name of one Contact Person
Name of Group(s) sponsoring event (Departments or individuals may apply for the Community Initiative and Beverage
Marketing Funds)
Campus Address
Daytime Phone Number E-mail
Must be
typed or printed and must follow this form. Incomplete forms or forms that do not follow this
format will not be processed. Be specific with details, remember that your application primary means of
influencing the committee.
Name of Proposed Initiative
Date(s) of Initiative Location of Initiative
Anticipated Number of Participants Attending Total Cost of Initiative
Additional Funding Sources
Amount of Money or Product Requested from
Beverage Partnership
1. Describe your initiative and explain how it fulfils the specific purpose of the grant(s) you are applying for.
2. Describe how your project will promote student development, diversity, and/or a sense of community on campus.
3. What steps are you taking to ensure a successful program? Please be sure to indicate how your program will be
4. If you are attending a conference, how will the information you obtain impact the University Community? How will
you share this information with the University Community? Please include the date, time, and location you have
secured to present this information.
5. Have you received a Coca-Cola
grant for this program or event in a prior year? If “yes” what have you done to
change or improve the program or event for this year?
6. Please outline how you will use the funds or product if awarded.