University of Manitoba - MPT: Neurological Clinical Skills Checklist
Revised February, 2017
D. Upper Extremity Re-education
i. discriminate treatment of transport and manipulation
ii. incorporate postural control activities appropriate for
upper limb dysfunction
iii. apply different techniques to stretch soft tissue structures
that contribute to hemiplegic shoulder pain
iv. select, apply and evaluate effectiveness of support systems
for the hemiplegic upper limb
• slings
• taping/strapping
• positioning devices to prevent subluxation/injury
for various positions (w/c, supine, sit, sidelying)
v. apply activities on a stable surface progressing to mobile
surfaces progressing to movements where the distal
segment move on a stable proximal base:
• static
• body moves on arm
• body and arm move together
vi. apply other therapeutic techniques taught/learned in
previous years
• electrical modalities (FES, TNS, Jobst, IFC…)
• progressive resisted exercise
• motor learning principles
E. Treatment Skills for Specific Conditions
o techniques to decrease freezing and help initiate
o techniques to decrease shuffling when walking
o techniques to improve posture
o lateral sliding board transfer techniques
o bed mobility including rolling, supine → long sitting
o floor transfer techniques