Auxiliary Services
Type of Acquisition:
New Purchase * Replacement * Surplus/Donation * Lease
(more than 12 months)
*Vehicle acquisitions must comply with the Federal Alternative Fuel Transportation Program [10 CFR Part 490] Energy Policy Act of 1992
Requesting Department:
Date of Request:
___________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________
Contact Person:
______________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________
Type of Vehicle Requested:
Sub-Compact Compact Larger than compact or specialized vehicle (provide a justification):
Number of Vehicle Units Requested:
Special Requirements:
1. Air Conditioning: YES NO (IF YES, provide justification below)
Assignment and Storage:
Vehicle will be assigned to: _________________________________________________________________ (Department/Program Name)
Vehicle will be stored at: _______________________________________________________________________ (Island and Address)
1. Intended use of vehicle: __________________________________________________________________________________
2. Number of passengers to be transported: ____________________________________________________________________
3. Type of cargo to be transported: ___________________________________________________________________________
4. Type of terrain to be traveled: __________________________________________________________________________________
5. Reference the attached “New/Replacement Vehicle Acquisition Eligibility Criteria” for the following:
a. What User Group do you belong to? Specialized Vehicle Daily User
Facilities, Grounds, Safety, & Service Off-campus Commuter Federal/Private Grant Funding
6. How many miles on average do you anticipate traveling annually?
Over 10,000 miles/year Between 8,500-10,000 miles/year Under 8,500 per year
Funding Authorization:
If the vehicle will be acquired with funds appropriated by the State Legislature, complete Item No. 1. If not, proceed to Item No. 2.
1. Vehicle will be acquired with funds appropriated by the State Legislature:
a. Means of financing
General Special Federal Revolving