Origination Date: 07/01/99 Revision Date: 04/25/00
. Trade-In:
The following offers were received:
Cost Cost
Firm w/o Trade Offer w/Trade
Estimated current market value of property $
. Request approval to:
Dispose by destruction Transfer out of University Dispose by sale
Salvage for parts Relief of accountability
Trade-in Other
Application to Dispose
Application is hereby made for the disposal of government property under my custody and control. Pursuant to Chapter 130,
subtitle II, title 3, Hawai‘i Administrative Rules, I do solemnly swear and affirm the accuracy of this application.
Signature of Property Custodian Date
Signature of Fiscal Officer F.O. Code Date
Approval to dispose:
Inventory Management Date
Disposal Certification
I certify that the property involved has been disposed of in the approved manner and that said property has not been directed
or converted to improper use.
Signature Print/Type Name Date
(When disposal certification is completed, return the original to Inventory Management)