Office of the Registrar / 200 West Kawili St. Hilo, HI 96720-4091 / Student Services Center, First Floor Rm 101 / Phone: (808) 932-7447 / Fax: (808) 932-7448 / E-mail: uhhro@hawaii.edu
Instructions: Special topics may be offered up to twice. Experimental courses may be offered only once. Special topic course
numbers will end in 94. Experimental courses offered in fall will end in 97. In spring and/or summer will end in 98.* Form must be
submitted for each term offered.
Course Information:
Semester & Year: Fall 20 Spring 20
Summer 20
DEADLINES: March 1[Current Year] September 30[Preceding Year] December 1[Preceding Year]
Deans may have earlier deadlines Term: I II OR Other: ________ to _______
Choose one: Special Topics Experimental Course Course Alpha:
Course Level:
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Course Title: Credit Hours: _____
(Max 30 characters - abbreviate if longer)
Cross-list Alpha: _______________ Cross-list alpha approval: _______________________________ Date: _________
(Email attachment accepted)
Repeated Course Only:
Only Special Topics may be offered twice. This information is necessary to determine repeat grades/credits.
Term: ______________ Year: _____________ Course Alpha & Number: ______________________
Appropriate Approving Signatures:
Instructor’s Name: Email: @hawaii.edu
Instructor’s Signature: Date:
Dept. Chair’s Approval: Date:
Div. Chair’s Approval: Date:
Dean’s Approval: Date:
Please Return Original to the UHH Office of the Registrar for processing.
*In cases where a department wants to offer a course for an additional term outside of the normal course repeatable offering, a
department may offer the course for one additional term as long as the formal campus curricular review process has been initiated.
Review will have been initiated when the approval form has been completed and submitted to the first reviewing body. In such
circumstances, the New Approval Form must be attached to the Special Topics/Experimental Course Proposal.
Revised: 9/2016