University of Hawaii Diving Safety Program
(Read each paragraph and sign below)
I, ______________________________________, the undersigned, in consideration
of the University of Hawai'i (UH) providing me with the opportunity to engage in
scientific diving activities under UH auspices, agree that:
♦ I fully recognize and appreciate the dangers and hazards inherent in diving to which I may be
exposed during diving, including but not limited to arterial gas embolism, ear and/or sinus barotrauma,
decompression sickness, drowning, near-drowning, and/or dysbaric osteonecrosis and other long-term
effects, as yet poorly defined, and also during transportation to and from dive locations. I do hereby
agree to assume all the risks and responsibilities surrounding my participation in diving or any
independent research or activities undertaken as an adjunct thereto;
I unde
rstand that diving operations may be conducted at remote locations at which a
recompression ch
amber is not available, and from which evacuation to such a chamber may be delayed
by many hours.
♦ I
ty. I understand I will not be penalized in my employment or academic record for any
to strictly observe these rules. I understand that failure to comply may result in review,
restriction, or revocation of my authorization to dive under University auspices by the UH Diving Control
My participation in diving is voluntary; that I have the right and responsibility to refrain from diving if
feel the activity or conditions are not safe, that my fitness is not adequate for the dive, or for any othe
reason of safe
such refusal.
My a
uthorization to dive is a privilege granted upon compliance with UH requirements. I will
follow the rules and precautions for conducting diving operations of my home institution and the
requirements of the UH for my authorization to dive under UH auspices, as set forth in the UH D
Safety Manual, as well as those procedures explained to me by the UH Diving Officer or his/her agents.
I agree
I do for my
self, my heirs, executors, and administrators hereby RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE
AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE the University of Hawaii, its regents, officers, emplo
yees, agents,
volunteers, and assigns from and against any and all claims, demands, and actions, or cause of action
on account of damage to personal property, or personal injury or death, which may result from my
participation, and which result from causes b
eyond the control of, and with or without the fault or
y losses I may sustain. I agree that if any portion is held invalid, the
mainder will con t. I agree that I have freely and voluntarily caused this release to be
___________________________________ _____________________________________
(Print Diver Name) (Print Name, Parent or Guardian)
Rev 8/23/05
negligence of the University, its regents, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, and assigns during
the period of my participation as aforesaid;
I affirm tha
t I have read this form and fully understand that by signing this form I am giving up legal
ights an /or rem ing an
r d edies regard
e tinue i
n full force and effecr
executed this date, _____________,
___________________________________ _____________________________________
er age 18) (Diver) (Parent or Guardian, if Diver is und