Revised 10/2017
Office of the Registrar / 200 West Kawili St. Hilo, HI 96720-4091 / Student Services center, First Floor Rm 101 / Phone: (808) 932-7447 / Fax: (808) 932-7448 / E-mail: uhhro@hawaii.edu
Credit/No-Credit” option restrictions
• Student must declare the Credit/No-Credit (CR/NC) option by the deadline specified in the UHH Academic Calendar.
• Once declared, the option may not be revoked.
• If a student is on academic probation, they may not take any courses on a CR/NC basis.
• No more than 2 courses per semester may be counted as CR/NC.
• No more than 12 semester hours of CR/NC may be applied toward a bachelor’s degree.
• Courses required for a student’s major/minor/certificate/specialization may not be taken on the CR/NC.
• A student may only repeat a course with a CR/NC option if they previously received a “NC” (No Credit grade)
• CR/NC courses can not be dropped online. To drop a CR/NC course, please go directly to the Office of the Registrar.
• To qualify for “credit,” the work of the student must be at least the “C-“ (1.7) level.
• Deadline to submit is the Friday of the 3
week of instruction for Fall & Spring (varies for Summer)
ECTION I: Student & Course Information:
Name: Student ID:
Last First MI
Email: @hawaii.edu Phone: ______
Semester: Fall Spring Summer Year: 20
CRN Course alpha & number Credits
Please answer “Yes” or “No” to the following statements:
_______ I am on academic probation.
_______ I am in at least 2 other CR/NC courses.
_______ The above course is part of my major/minor/certificate/specialization.
_______ I am repeating the course which I previously took for letter grade.
Having answered “No” to ALL of the above items and having read all of the restrictions, I am eligible for Credit/No-Credit
in this course, and hereby exercise this option.
Student signature: Date:
SSASECT SFAREGS SSASECT Initials: ________ Date: __________
= Uncheck voice response Check voice response
Grade Mode: C Grade Mode: G
(For Undergraduates only)