U.S. Senator Ted Cruz
United States Senator Texas
Standard Information and Privacy Act Form
The Privacy Act requires your written consent before a government agency will release information to our
office. Please complete this form and return it as indicated below. A brief letter outlining the nature of
your problem is required. An inquiry cannot be submitted without it. Please be as specific as possible.
Please also attach any relevant correspondence* that you have initiated or received concerning your
problem. Submit your completed form and any pertinent attachments to:
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz
961 J.J. Pickle Federal Building
300 E. 8th Street
Austin, Texas 78701
Fax: 512-916-5839
*Because of security measures, mail is now irradiated, which can damage sensitive items such as cassette tapes, videos, CD’s and DVD’s. Fax,
e-mail (must be less than 5MB ) and web form are the quickest ways to forward your information.
Name: Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Other (please specify):___________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ___________________________________________________________________________
Preferred Phone: ________________________ Other Phone: ____________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________________________
Social Security Number ____________________________Date of Birth____________________________
Federal Agency Involved __________________________________________________________________
Requested Benefits________________________________________________________________________
Please complete sections applicable to your case:
Veterans Claim Number _______________________Military ID/ Branch_________________________
Medicare Provider PTAN, NPI, TAX ID, CSA/CSF#:_________________________________________
Other (If IRS, please indicate tax year (s) and form):__________________________________________
Have you requested assistance from any other elected official? YES or NO
If yes, which office(s)? ____________________________________________________________________
Did you receive a final response? YES or NO
Pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a), I hereby authorize appropriate governmental agencies to release information
about me and relevant to this inquiry to U.S. Senator Ted Cruz. For IRS inquiries, I give permission to the IRS/TAS to communicate with
me and Senator Cruz's staff. I understand that by requesting assistance of Senator Cruz and his staff I am obligated to provide true and
correct information regarding my situation. Failure to disclose all information or any deliberate attempt to mislead Senator Cruz or his
staff may result in the discontinuance of assistance.